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Africana Books

Page 2 | Authors M - Z

The Africana books are a great mixture of works on African topics that may be of interest to any Africanophile. There are many safari tales and travelogues which, though they may not include hunting stories, are fascinating reads.

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Wilson MacArthur

David Wilson MacArthur (1903 - 1981) was a Scottish writer who travelled extensively in Africa and elsewhere. He travelled across the Sahara in a car with his wife, served in the Royal Navy during WW2 and settled on a farm in Rhodesia in 1947. He wrote over 40 books - non-fiction about his travels, adventure novels for boys, sometimes under the pseudonym, David Wilson.

The Road To The Nile

The Road To The Nile: A Story Of Travel In The Western Desert And The Army Of The Nile by Wilson MacArthur (1941) is a cheerfully written story of a trip in an un-modified 1938 Standard Twelve (which the author named 'The Black Beetle') through Northern Africa, starting at Benghazi, at the time of the rise of Mussolini & his Fascists, and culminating in the author witnessing the Italian Army's march on the Nile. It was also published under the title 'The Road To Benghazi'.

Auto Nomad In Barbary

Auto Nomad In Barbary by Wilson MacArthur (1950) is the account account of author's 3000 mile car journey across North Africa from Tangier to Cairo.

Auto Nomad Through Africa

Auto Nomad Through Africa by Wilson MacArthur (1951) is the story of the author and his wife's journey from Aexandria to Durban in their car.

The Desert Watches

The Desert Watches by Wilson MacArthur (1954) is story of the hazardous crossing of the great Sahara Desert. The author and his wife started from Algiers and bound for their home in Rhodesia, made the entire journey of more than two thousand miles in a new and highly unreliable car, resulting in a breath-taking adventure.

J F MacDonald

John Forrest MacDonald (1897 - 1967) was a British author who served as a military junior officer in Africa during World War II.

Zambesi River

Zambesi River by J F MacDonald (1955) is a vivid description of the geography and history of natural life along the banks of the Zambesi. It starts from the river's meanderings at the source, its sluggish flow through marshes, its flow through the rapids and Victoria Falls and its course over the vast lower reaches of the delta. The scenery is constantly changing, from wilderness to forests, tributaries and alluvial plains, the haunts of crocodile, hippo, tiger fish, lions, eagles and vultures. The author also includes the little-known history of half-forgotten tribes, of British exploration and Portuguese settlement.

Abyssinian Adventure

Abyssinian Adventure by J F MacDonald (1957) is the author's account of serving as a young British subaltern in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya and Ethiopia, fighting against the Italians in World War II.

The War History Of Southern Rhodesia

The War History Of Southern Rhodesia: 1939-45 by J F MacDonald (1947 & 1950) is a 2 volume account of the role played by troops from Southern Rhodesia in World War II. A high percentage of Rhodesians volunteered to serve, including in the navy, taking part in every theatre of war.

Bror MacDonell

Mzee Ali: The Biography Of An African Slave-Raider Turned Askari And Scout

Mzee Ali: The Biography Of An African Slave-Raider Turned Askari And Scout by Bror MacDonell (2008) Mzee Ali Kalikilima was born near Tabora in western Tanzania, probably in the 1870s. At age 14, he led his first slaving safari to the shores of Lake Tanganyika and with his caravan of captured slaves and ivory, to the markets of Dar es Salaam, some 1,200 kilometers away. With the arrival of the German colonizers, Ali joined the German East African forces as an askari. He saw action at the Battle of Salaita Hill near Mombasa and was with General von Lettow-Vorbeck to the end, fighting a guerrilla campaign through southern Tanganyika, Portuguese East Africa, Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia until the final surrender. After the war, he joined the British Colonial Service as a game scout.

Donald MacIntosh

Donald MacIntosh (1927 - 2014) was a Scottish forester and author. In the 1950s, after studying forestry in Scotland, he set off to work in the forests of West Africa - the interior of West and Central Africa was known at that time as 'the white man's grave' due to hardships and prevalent diseases. It was the beginning of his 30 years as a tree prospector and surveyor in the forest of West Africa. He began to write after retiring from the forestry business, including books and articles on Scotland and fishing.

Travels In The White Man's Grave

Travels In The White Man's Grave by Donald MacIntosh (1998) is an account of the author's life as a tree prospector, forest botanist and surveyor for 30 years in some of the most remote areas of West Africa. His adventures took him along the shores of the Gulf of Guinea from Liberia to Gabon where he listened to the tales of hunters, fishermen, chiefs and witch doctors from a vast variety of tribes. MacIntosh had many adventures with the creatures of the forest, from leopards to homicidal buffalo, and from vipers to spitting cobras.

Forest Of Memories

Forest Of Memories by Donald MacIntosh (2001) is the author's second collection of tales of his West African travels as a forester which are full of rich characters and humour.

On the Mahogany Trail: Reminiscences Of The African Rainforest

On the Mahogany Trail: Reminiscences Of The African Rainforest by Donald MacIntosh (2001) provides detailed information about all the important African timbers and describes their properties and particular application. it is a valuable reference book about trees and timber but also a very readable account of the author's adventures in the timber trade in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon, Liberia and the Ivory Coast.

Ian Mackie

Trek Into Nuba

Trek Into Nuba by Ian Mackie (1994) is a fascinating account of the author's first tour of duty in the Sudan, as an Inspector of Agriculture from 1942 to 1945. After his first year working on the gravity-fed Gezira irrigation scheme, he was posted to the Nuba Mountains of south central Sudan, the home of the Nuba people and one of the most remote locations in Africa. His account of life on trek, by truck and on horseback, is told with humour. The hazards of travelling in the remoter parts of Africa in those days included escaping a rapidly flooding plain and watercourse with a group of nomadic Baggara Arabs.


Foxterriers And Mauserdays

Foxterriers And Mauserdays by Mafonyoke (2015) is an account of how tourism and hunting rapidly grew into such big business in the 1980s. 'The custody of nature had for the first time in the Lowveldt's history became its prime raison d'etre. With the formation of new game reserves on cattle ranches and removal of the Kruger Parks western boundaries fences, the call for 'back to nature' had become irreversible'.

Gabriel Reid Maguire & Ruth Burns Maguire

An Irishman In The Jungles Of Africa

An Irishman In The Jungles Of Africa by Gabriel Reid Maguire & edited by Ruth Burns Maguire (1935) is the biography of Gabriel Reid Maguire, an Irish-American Baptist missionary in the Congo.

Albert Mahuzier

Albert Mahuzier (1907 - 1980) was a French adventurer, film-maker and writer.

Albert Mahuzier
Albert Mahuzier

Tragic Safari

Tragic Safari by Albert Mahuzier (1956) is about an ill-fated hunting & photographic safari to Chad and French West Africa. Albert Mahuzier went to Africa to take colour photographs of dangerous wild animals, but the journey ended in tragedy when his guide, Marcel Vincent, was killed by a lion.

Albert Mahuzier's many adventure books in French

Guiseppe Maniscalco

Guiseppe Maniscalco (1910 - 1974) was a Sicilian who was sent to Africa to fight as a soldier in the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia.The war ended when the South Africans and the English liberated the area. He was then interned with other Italian soldiers from the Sudan near Asmara. In order not to be kept captive, he found work trading in livestock in Ethiopia. However he and his friend were attacked by bandits in Ethiopia and as the only survivor, he decided to walk to the Sudan, while avoiding walking into British controlled areas. He reached the Congo where he became ill with malaria. He then crossed into Northern Rhodesia which he was told was a British territory so he quickly crossed the Zambezi river to get into Mozambique. On hearing that the government would not allow any former prisoners of war to remain in their territory, he crossed into South Africa.He was arrested and imprisoned there until one immigration official finally believed his story and helped him to recover his health on a farm. He eventually was allowed to permanently stay in South Africa, returning to Italy once to see his son, 33 years after he left.

Miles And Miles And Miles

Miles And Miles And Miles: The Story Of A Man's Lone Hike From Ethiopia To South Africa by Guiseppe Maniscalco (1968) is the account by the this long adventurous journey through Africa on foot, taking on the hazardous environment and the dangers from man and beast. The 1969 English edition of this book is titled 'The Longest Walk'.

Jule Mannix

Jule Junker Mannix (1914 - 1977) was an American actress who gave up her career when she married Daniel P Mannix and travelled around the world, collecting and raising exotic animals, some of which were donated to Philadelphia Zoo. She also edited and co-wrote some of her husband's many books.

Daniel Pratt Mannix IV (1911 – 1997) was an American author, journalist, photographer, sideshow performer, stage magician, animal trainer and filmmaker. He was also a big game hunter who assisted J A Hunter with the publication of his manuscripts, for 'Hunter', 'Tales Of The African Frontier' and 'African Bush Adventures', the latter of which was made into a film called 'Killers Of Kilimanjaro'. (Alan Wkyes assisted with 'Hunter's Tracks' by J A Hunter). Mannix also assisted Peter Ryhiner with his book 'The Wildest Game'.

Jule Mannix
Jule Mannix

Adventure Happy

Adventure Happy: The Story Of My Marriage To A small Menagerie by Jule Mannix (1954) is the autobiographical story of the author's 12 year marriage to Daniel P Mannix during which she took care of eagles, a cheetah and assorted small pets. She accompanied her husband to Africa where he and J A Hunter completed their book 'Hunter'. The book includes tales of collecting bald and golden eagles in Mexico, the story of Grace Wiley and her snakes which led to tragedy and there are the rhino, hippo and elephants and lions which John Hunter showed them in Africa. This book was published in the UK with the title 'Married To Adventure'.

Joan Mark

Patrick Tracy Lowell Putnam (1904 - 1953) was an American anthropologist and businessman. Some sources refer to him as an odd combination of dilettante and expert, or maverick anthropologist. After graduating from Harvard with a degree in anthropology, he joined the Wulsin Harvard-Radcliffe expedition to the Congo for linguistic and ethnological study. In 1928, he returned to the Bambuti pygmies of the Ituri forest to continue his research, setting up Camp Putnam and staying for 25 years. A degenerative lung disease confined him to a wheelchair, and in the last years of his life he became a tyrant in his forest 'kingdom' and tried to destroy it.

King Of The World In The Land Of The Pygmies

King Of The World In The Land Of The Pygmies by Joan Mark (1995) is an interpretive biography of Patrick Tracy Lowell Putnam, who spent twenty-five years living among the Bambuti pygmies of the Ituri Forest, now in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. On the Epulu River he constructed Camp Putnam with his American wife. He modelled his camp on the 'dude ranches' of the American West where visitors could enjoy the luxuries of civilisation while hunting, observing pygmy demonstrations and photographing wildlife in the jungle. Among his visitors was journalist and author, Emily Hahn who wrote a book about her experiences there called 'Congo Solo'.

Clements R Markham

Sir Clements Robert Markham (1830 – 1916) was an English geographer, explorer and writer of histories, biographies and travel accounts. He travelled to the Arctic, Peru and India before he was selected to accompany Sir Robert Napier's military expeditionary force to Abyssinia, as the expedition's geographer because the geography of the country was so little known. This force was despatched by the British government as a response to actions taken by the Abyssinian King Theodore which included imprisoning the British consul and his staff. Markham also acted as the party's naturalist, reporting on the species of wildlife encountered during the 400 mile march from the coast.

A History Of The Abyssinian Expedition by Clements Robert Markham (1869) is an account of the 1867-1868 expedition to Abyssinia which includes a "chapter containing an account of the mission and captivity of Mr Rassam and his companions by Lieutenant W F Prideaux".

Frederick Marryat

Frederick Marryat (1792 - 1848) was an English Royal Navy officer, novelist and contemporary and acquaintance of Charles Dickens. He also developed a widely used system of maritime flag signalling, known as Marryat's Code.

Frederick Marryat
Frederick Marryat

The Mission: Or Scenes In Africa

The Mission: Or Scenes In Africa by Frederick Marryat (1845) is arguably the first significant novel written about Africa. It is a book of African adventures written for 'young people'. They are fictional accounts founded on real experiences and adventures in South Africa in the early nineteenth century. Free eBook

David Martin

Hwange: Elephant Country: Zimbabwe

Hwange: Elephant Country: Zimbabwe by David Martin (1996) is a travel guide for game-viewing safaris in Zimbabwe.

Henno Martin

Henno Martin (1910 - 1998) was a German professor of geology who, with Hermann Korn, lived for two years in the Namib Desert to avoid internment during the Second World War. After the war he worked as a consulting geologist, specialising in exploration for underground water resources. He selected the locations of boreholes throughout South-West Africa and particularly in the capital Windhoek, where he provided the city with its first large-scale, reliable source of water.

The Sheltering Desert

The Sheltering Desert by Henno Martin (1958). At the start of WWII, two German field geologists working in South West Africa, (Namibia) faced internment. They decided to take their chances living rough in the desert of the Kuiseb River Gorges - one of the world's harshest environments. They managed for two and a half years before beri-beri illness required them to turn themselves in.

Wilhelm Mattenklodt

Ernst Wilhelm Mattenklodt (1886 - 1931) was a German colonial farmer, hunter, soldier, fugitive and ethnographer. In 1908 he went to German South West Africa, now Namibia, to farm cattle and sheep and also doing extensive hunting trips to southern Angola and the Caprivi region. After Germany's defeat in World War I, the German colonial militia were allowed to return to their farms but every minor transgression against their servants (mainly Ovambo and Herero) was heavily punished by the British. As Germans were seen as incapable of administering colonies, Mattenklodt and four others tried to move to East Africa but were captured. Mattenklodt managed to escape and with two others, lived as an outlaw in the north of Namibia and Angola and after many adventures and narrow escapes from the English they arrived back in Germany in the middle of 1920.

After the war, Mattenklodt returned to Africa four times and organized regular hunting and filming expeditions as a living. On one of his expeditions, he had a severe attack of sleeping sickness and died in 1931, aged 45.

Wilhelm Mattenklodt
Wilhelm Mattenklodt

Fugitive In The Jungle

Fugitive In The Jungle by Wilhelm Mattenklodt (1931) is the account of the author's life while on the run from the British after World War I. He lived as an outlaw in the north of Namibia and Angola before finding his way back to Germany in 1920. This book was also published in the UK as 'A Fugitive in South-West Africa'.

Marius Maxwell

Marius Maxwell (1887 - 1936) started out in the sugar cane business in India before becoming a coffee grower in Kenya. He was a keen big game sportsman but gave it up in favour of the camera. He was a photography pioneer in taking wildlife close-ups and photographing from a moving car.

Stalking Big Game With A Camera In Equatorial Africa

Stalking Big Game With A Camera In Equatorial Africa by Marius Maxwell (1924). In this book Maxwell pays his respects to C G Schillings and A Radclyffe Dugmore, pioneers in the field of big game photography. However neither of them were able to capture animals with enough detail to satisfy the naturalists. In order to accomplish this Maxwell tried to use a telephoto lens as little as possible and relied primarily on an ordinary lens, which necessitated close proximity to the animals in order to obtain the best shot. The results are stunning.

Marcuswell Maxwell

Colonel Marcuswell Maxwell (1891 -1938) was another wildlife photographer much in the vein of Marius Maxwell - a photographic artist.

Elephants And Other Big Game Studies

Elephants And Other Big Game Studies by Marcuswell Maxwell (1930) are camera studies of elephants from two expeditions to Kenya and the Serengeti Plains in the 1920s.

Big Game Photographs From The Times

Big Game Photographs From The Times by Marcuswell Maxwell (1927) are 28 plates of old black and white photographs of a pride of lions, warthogs, buffalo, giraffes and rhinoceros taken in Kenya and Tanganyika.

Madge Mayall


Safari: Kenya-Uganda 1968 by Madge Mayall (1968) is an account of the author's trip to Kenya and Uganda with her husband, Rex, in 1968. The book was written mostly for the couple's friends who may have wanted to go on safari in the future.

Charles Mayer

Charles Mayer (1862 - 1927) was an American animal capture expert.

Jungle Beasts I Have Captured

Jungle Beasts I Have Captured by Charles Mayer (1924) are tales of his exploits capturing animals (rhinos, orangutans, elephants and tigers), mostly on the Malay peninsula which he traded with zoos and circuses.

Trapping Wild Animals In Malay Jungles

Trapping Wild Animals In Malay Jungles by Charles Mayer (1921) is Mayer's account of running away with the circus and how he came to travel to the jungle to capture wild animals. Free eBook

James McCarthy

The Road To Tanganyika

The Road To Tanganyika: The Diaries Of Donald Munro And William McEwan edited by James McCarthy (2000) is the story, taken from the diaries of engineers Donald Munro and William McEwan, of the construction of the Stevenson Road in Nyasaland, now Malawi, in the nineteenth century. The ambitious project was to link British territories through East and central Africa, with the road running from Lake Nyasa to Lake Tanganyika and further on to reach the Indian Ocean.

Gerald McKiernan & P Serton (Editors)

The Narrative And Journal Of Gerald McKiernan In South West Africa 1874-1879

The Narrative And Journal Of Gerald McKiernan In South West Africa 1874-1879 by Gerald McKiernan & P Serton (ed) (1954) tells of the travels of an American trader in South-West Africa, now Namibia, and gives an interesting picture of life in the territory during the last decade before the German colonial period.

Sandy McMath

Africa Alone: Odyssey Of An American Traveler

Africa Alone: Odyssey Of An American Traveler by Sandy McMath (1983) is the tale of the author's journey alone, in his old Toyota Landcruiser, from the tip of north of Africa, in Morocco to the tip of South Africa.

F W H Migeod

Frederick William Hugh Migeod (1872 - 1952) was a British author, linguist and ethnologist who started service with the Colonial Civil Service from 1900. He was stationed in the Gold Coast until 1919. He then began a series of expeditions to Lake Chad, Cameroon, Sierra Leone and twice crossed equatorial Africa. From 1925-1927 and again in 1929 and 1931 he led a British Museum East Africa expedition to excavate dinosaur bones. He was the author of several books about the natural history, botany and languages in west and central Africa.

Across Equatorial Africa by F W H Migeod (1923) is the account of the author's two journeys across Africa - the first from the Cameroons, Gabon and following the equator to Lake Victoria to Mombasa, the second further south through Tanganyika to the mouth of the River Congo on the Atlantic.

Through Nigeria To Lake Chad

Through Nigeria To Lake Chad by F W H Migeod (1924) is an account of the author's travels to Lake Chad by way of the Benue river, with a return journey along the northern frontier of Nigeria to Kano through semi-desert and by railway to Lagos. He studied ethnology, especially the movements of tribes caused by the desiccation of the country.

A View Of Sierra Leone

A View Of Sierra Leone by F W H Migeod (1926). The first part of the book is an account of the author's six months of travelling through Sierra Leone from 1924 to 1925. The second part is an account of the Mende people and includes much on witchcraft, superstitions, secret societies, games, songs, etc.

Through British Cameroons by F W H Migeod (1925) is an account of the author's journey to the British Cameroons which was a British mandate territory in British West Africa at the time.

D M Miller

Daniel Morison Miller (1888 - 1965) was the Deputation and Editorial Secretary of the Africa Inland Mission who, in the 1930s, undertook a 16,000 mile tour of AIM stations in Africa.

Central Africa Revisited

Central Africa Revisited by D M Miller (1937) is a record of the author's 16,000 mile journey to visit the African Inland Mission stations in Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, Congo, Sudan and Egypt.

Roland Minor

A Lot Of Loose Ends: A Vet In Africa

A Lot Of Loose Ends: A Vet In Africa: The Drama, Humour And Politics Of Animal Care On The Dark Continent by Roland Minor (2013) is an account of the author's experiences in treating animals of all shapes and sizes in Africa. He left the UK in 1963 for his first veterinary post, in Uganda and since, holding senior government posts or practising independently, he worked in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Botswana.

Richard Modlin

Malachite Lion: A Travel Adventure In Kenya

Malachite Lion: A Travel Adventure In Kenya by Richard Modlin (2002) describes what appears to be a regular safari itinerary starting in Nairobi, then continuing to Masai Mara and Amboseli, then to Mombasa, Malindi and the Seychelles. Apparently this "exciting account of his travels through Kenya and the Seychelles will dispel some of the apprehensions that cloak this strange land and its people. His experiences as a scientist and academic have provided him with the skills to interestingly record his provocative observations, interactions, experiences, feelings and thoughts, and transport the reader beyond the confines of a tour bus".

J P Moffett

John Perry Moffett (1909 - 1972) was the Commissioner for Social Development in Tanganyika. He accompanied an excavation expedition to Kilwa to find ruins of a previously unknown city which was led by the historian and archaeologist Anthony Gervase Mathew.

Handbook Of Tanganyika

Handbook Of Tanganyika edited by J P Moffett & Published by Government of Tanganyika (1958) contains information of the history of Tanganyika, from the earliest times to the published date just before independence. There is a full account of the local government system and the flora, fauna, reptiles, birds, amphibians and vegetation are described by experts in these fields.

Ronald A Monson

Ronald Austin Monson (1905 - 1973) was a Australian journalist and war correspondent. After his walk across Africa and as an Australian war correspondent, he covered many of the key World War II battles and events such as the evacuation of Dunkirk, the Blitz on London, Normandy landings on D-Day and many more conflicts after WWII.

Across Africa On Foot

Across Africa On Foot by Ronald A Monson (1931) is the narrative of the journey from Cape Town to Cairo, plus an attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, undertaken in September 1928 by Ronald A Monson and another Australian, Edward Alexander Robert Cooke. Cooke only got as far as Johannesburg before he decided to quit the journey. The journey was then completed in December 1929 by Ronald A Monson and James Hunter Wilson, Monson's friend and an accountant from Johannesburg. Wilson could not allow a pal to go footslogging over "Darkest Africa" alone. Free eBook

Ernst D Moore

"Ernst D. Moore was 23 when his uncle brought him into the family ivory business. From 1907 to 1911, Moore was based primarily in Zanzibar, buying elephant tusks in the market and traveling to the interior of Africa, where he bought directly from great hunters of the day for Arnold Cheney & Co., which supplied both Pratt, Read and Comstock, Cheney. He lived in a house with carved teakwood gates, entertained Teddy Roosevelt at the Mombasa Club, bought hundreds of tons of ivory, & then came home to marry a woman in Chester and work for Pratt, Read as an executive in the company's player piano division. Fluent in Swahili and the argot that grew out of African and Arab trade, Moore interviewed former slaves to build his story about the ivory trade, which he called "a terrible vocation." During the second half of the 19th century, the height of the ivory trade, Moore wrote, "the dhows that lay at anchor off the town were packed with slaves awaiting transport to Arabia and the Gulf. Slaves lay on the sloping beach, dead slaves, not worth the burying, thrown there to rot until the tide carried their bloated bodies out to sea." Moore described the ivory gathering of the 19th century as carnage." Excerpt from the Hartford Courant

Ivory: Scourge Of Africa

Ivory: Scourge Of Africa by Ernst D Moore (1931). The scarce and still harrowing personal account of an ivory trader who conducted business shortly after the turn of the century when Africa's people and natural resources were being plundered by Arab and European nations.

Martin Moore

Our Best African Safari Yet: Adventures In Botswana

Our Best African Safari Yet: Adventures In Botswana by Martin Moore (2018) is a personal account of Elaine and Martin Moore's photographic safari in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. The book shares everyday and extraordinary events when on safari and is a also a guide to help readers who may want to go on safari.

Randall Jay Moore & Christopher Munnion

Back To Africa

Back To Africa by Randall Jay Moore & Christopher Munnion (1989) is the story of Randall Moore's quest to return three circus-trained African elephants from Washington State to the continent of their birth and eventually to new lives in what is now the Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa.

Elephants For Africa

Elephants For Africa by Randall Jay Moore & Christopher Munnion (2000) is essentially the same story of returning 3 elephants back to Africa as in 'Back To Africa'. However, it is a sumptuous coffee table book with incredible photographs by Horst Klemm. The book also includes the tale of Randall Moore's creation of the luxury lodge 'Abu's Camp' in Botswana, where a herd of African elephants were trained to take tourists on safari in the Okavango.

Donald R Morris

The Washing Of The Spears: The Rise And Fall Of The Great Zulu Nation

The Washing Of The Spears: The Rise And Fall Of The Great Zulu Nation by Donald R Morris (1965) is the definitive account of the bloody and tragic story of the rise of the Zulu nation under the great ruler Shaka, and its fall under Cetshwayo in the Zulu War of 1879. For over a century after the European landing at Capetown in the 17th century, the Boers advanced unopposed into the vast interior of Africa. It was not until 1824 that Europeans came face to face with another expanding and imperial power, the Zulus - the most formidable nation in black Africa. That confrontation ignited a prolonged struggle, which culminated in a bitter war, the last despairing effort of Africans to stem the tide of white civilization. The result was a dramatic, legendary and bloody defeat at Isandhlwana for the British; the aftermath was the defeat and fall of the remarkable Zulu nation. The Zulus challenged the might of Victorian England, and armed only with their spears, their rawhide shields and their incredible courage, they inflicted upon the British the worst defeat a modern army has ever suffered. Read Review

Nicholas Mosley

Nicholas Mosley (1923 - 2017) was a British author and a son of the British fascist leader of the 1930s, Sir Oswald Mosley.

African Switchback

African Switchback by Nicholas Mosley (1958) is an account of the author's journey by car from Dakar to Lagos across West Africa, with his friend Hugo Charteris (1922 - 1970) (a Scottish novelist and screenwriter).

John A Murray

Wild Africa: Three Centuries Of Nature Writing From Africa

Wild Africa: Three Centuries Of Nature Writing From Africa edited by John A Murray (1993) is a diverse collection of African nature and travel writing with traditional myths and stories. The literature from the African continent includes the writings of Isak Dinesen, Joseph Conrad, John Barrow, Teddy Roosevelt, David Livingstone and J H Patterson to more contemporary contributions from Peter Matthiessen, Cynthia Moss and biologist Delia Owens.

T A M Nash

Thomas Arthur Manly Nash (1905 - 1993) was a British entomologist known for his work on tsetse flies. In 1927 he was employed by the Colonial Office to investigate aspects of the biology of tsetse flies, the vectors of the trypanosomes which cause sleeping sickness in humans, and a related disease of domestic livestock in much of tropical Africa. In 1962 Nash founded the Tsetse Research Laboratory of the University of Bristol. He was a research fellow of the university and director of the laboratory.

A Zoo Without Bars

A Zoo Without Bars by T A M Nash (1984) is a lighthearted look at the author's life in the East African wilderness from 1927 to 1932, researching the tsetse fly and methods to control it.

Africa's Bane: The Tsetse Fly

Africa's Bane: The Tsetse Fly by T A M Nash (1969) is a very readable account about tsetse flies, the diseases and the human and social problems they present. The tsetse flies were, and still are, a dangerous insect in sub-saharan Africa.

Ernest Neal

Ernest Gordon Neal (1911 - 1998) was a British zoologist who was known for his work on badgers, earning him the nickname of 'Badger Man'. He travelled to East Africa many times in his career, many of them as a guest lecturer.

Uganda Quest

Uganda Quest by Ernest Neal (1971) is an account of the author's three years spent in the Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda working as a zoologist studying the medium-sized carnivores, particularly the banded mongoose about which he gives much new information. He also describes most of the major animals of the park - elephants, hippos, buffalo, lions, hyenas, bats and birds, plus his nocturnal wanderings in search of the more elusive carnivores.

On Safari In East Africa

On Safari In East Africa: A Background Guide by Ernest Neal (1992) explains everything likely to be seen while on safari in East Africa. This book goes beyond identification of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles and looks at how they evolved and why they behave as they do. It covers the wildlife of the Serengeti, forests of Kilimanjaro and the flamingo covered Lake Nakuru.

James H Neal

James H Neal was a British accountant who worked as Chief Accountant & Financial Advisor for the Government in Palestine and Mauritius as well as Ghana.

Ju-Ju In My Life

Ju-Ju In My Life by James H Neal (1966) describes witchcraft cults and magic the author encountered in his ten-year career as a Chief Investigations Officer in Ghana. This book was subsequently published with the title 'Jungle Magic: My Life Among The Witch Doctors Of West Africa'.

L M Nesbitt

Ludovico Marcello Mariano Nesbitt (1891 - 1935 ) had British father and Italian mother and qualified in engineering in England. He worked in the gold mines of South Africa and was later hired as an oil researcher in Venezuela. In 1928 he accomplished the most significant feat of crossing the Ethiopian Danakil depression from south to north with two companions. Danakil was a land that had been largely unexplored until then and never before entirely crossed by a European. Other explorers before him had tried, including Gustavo Bianchi and Giuseppe Maria Giulietti but no one had come out alive. In 1935 while he was preparing for another major journey, the crossing of Africa from north to south by car, he died in an aircraft crash on the Swiss Alps.

L M Nesbitt
L M Nesbitt
Desert And Forest: The Exploration Of Abyssinian Danakil

Desert And Forest: The Exploration Of Abyssinian Danakil by L M Nesbitt (1934) is the account of his journey, by donkey and on foot, with two companions, across the Danakil depression which is a vast plain between the Abyssinian Plateau and Eritrea on the Red Sea. It is credited to be the hottest, driest and lowest place on the planet, so this journey was no mean feat. This title is the British publication. Other publications of the same book have different titles, such as 'Abyssinia Unveiled: Desert And Forest' and 'Hell-Hole Of Creation: The Exploration of Abyssinian Danakil'. Free eBook

David Newman

The Forgotten Path

The Forgotten Path by David Newman (1965) is about a 1959 motoring expedition without back-up from London to Lagos via the Sahara Desert in a Ford Zephyr car to visit a friend.

T R Nicholson

A Toy For The Lion

A Toy For The Lion by T R Nicholson (1965) is a later amusing account of Bede Bentley, his mechanic and a dog delivering a Siddeley car to King Menelek after a 3000 mile road trip in 1907-08. This author tells the tale from a different perspective from the book by Clifford Hallé, who knew Bede Bentley well.

Les & Genny Nuckolls

Growing Up In Africa

Growing Up In Africa by Les & Genny Nuckolls (2007) is the tale of an American couple who moved to Africa to teach in a bush college near the Congo border. The book chronicles the lives of their two daughters with episodes of escaping renegade cobras and cockroaches, making friends with lions and a chimpanzee and nearly getting squashed by elephants.

John Nunneley

Tales From The King's African Rifles

Tales From The King's African Rifles by John Nunneley (1998) is an account of the author's experiences during the Second World War as an officer in the King's African Rifles serving first in Abyssinia and Somaliland and later in Burma.

Bryan O'Donoghue

Black Rhino Rescue

Black Rhino Rescue by Bryan O'Donoghue (1976)

Silvana Olivo

Zambezi Valley: The Lost Stronghold

Zambezi Valley: The Lost Stronghold: An Account Of Zimbabwe's Rhino War by Silvana Olivo (2018) is a testament to the dedication of those who fought to protect Zimbabwe’s Zambezi Valley, considered in the 1980s as the last stronghold for the greatest concentration of wild black rhinos in Africa. The war against poachers by game scouts and rangers was lead in Zimbabwe by the founder of Operation Stronghold, Glenn Tatham. The author was personally involved in Operation Stronghold run by Zimbabwe’s National Parks Department when she became its official Italian chapter for 5 years. The pace of the emergency unfolds in this book, through the direct reporting of experiences in the field – the aftermath of shoot-outs with poachers and the translocation and dehorning of rhinos.

Owen Rowe O'Neil

Adventures In Swaziland: The Story Of A South African Boer

Adventures In Swaziland: The Story Of A South African Boer by Owen Rowe O'Neil (1921) is a memoir of the author's experiences as a young man growing up in South Africa during the early 20th century. The focus of the book is on his time spent in Swaziland and his fascination by the wild and untamed landscape of Swaziland, which was then a British protectorate. He made several trips to the country, and the book chronicles his adventures there. Free eBook

Lars-Henrik Ottoson

Lars-Henrik Ottoson (1922 - 2010) was a Swedish journalist and author.

Mara Moja

Mara Moja: From Northernmost Scandinavia To The Cape Of Good Hope by Lars-Henrik Ottoson (1956) is an account of a remarkable 40,000 mile journey in a Volkswagen bus from the northernmost tip of Europe to the southernmost tip of Africa and back again. The journey took them through 34 countries and many adventures.

A Heck Of A Life

A Heck Of A Life by Lars-Henrik Ottoson (2010) is the author's life story of adventures and shifts in occupation, location and fortunes. His work as a journalist included covering the Nuremberg trials after World War II for BBC, and the 1959 win of Swedish heavyweight boxing champion Ingemar Johansson. He then wrote books and made films in Africa as well as the Cape-to-Cape journey in a VW bus.

Roderic Owen

Roddy Owen's Africa

Roddy Owen's Africa: A journey By Land-Rover Across The Seventy-Year Gap Between A Pioneer In Africa And His Great-Nephew by Roderic Owen (1967) is an account of journey made by the author in the 1960s retracing the steps of his great-uncle, Major Edward Roderick (Roddy) Owen (1856 - 1896) in Africa. Roddy Owen was a successful army officer and steeplechase rider who went to Africa in 1893 with the Portal Mission in Uganda. He founded a series of forts on the western border of the Kingdom of Toro in the new protectorate of Uganda on behalf of Sir Gerald Portal, collecting the Egyptian-Sudanese troops left behind by Emin Pasha after his meeting with Henry Morton Stanley at Wadelai. The Owen Falls Dam on Lake Victoria, was named as a tribute to the officer and jockey Roddy Owen, as founder of Fort Portal and winner of the Grand National horse race at Aintree in 1891. The name was later changed to Nalubaale Dam.

Eve Palmer

Plains Of Camdeboo

Plains Of Camdeboo by Eve Palmer (1966) is the story of four generations of the author's family who have lived on the Camdeboo plains in the Great Karoo desert - the great plain towards the southern tip of Africa. The area of Camdeboo was proclaimed as Camdeboo National Park in 2005. It includes the natural history and folklore about one of the world's least known regions.

Richard & Rita Pankhurst

Richard Keir Pethick Pankhurst (1927 -2017) was a British Ethiopian scholar, founding member of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies and former professor at the University of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. He wrote numerous books about the history of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Reminiscences: Early Days

Ethiopian Reminiscences: Early Days by Richard & Rita Pankhurst (2013) is a joint autobiography in which the authors recount stories about growing up with unusual parents (Richard Pankhurst's mother was the suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst) and their early lives, when in 1958, they went to live in Ethiopia.

More books about Ethiopia by Richard Pankhurst

Richard Pape

Richard Bernard Pape (1916 – 1995) was a British journalist who served with the RAF in World War II, during which he was captured twice and escaped twice.

Cape Cold To Cape Hot

Cape Cold To Cape Hot by Richard Pape (1956) is the account of the author's drive from northern Norway to Cape Town in South Africa. He was the first man to drive from within the Arctic Circle in northern Europe to the southern tip of Africa, via the Sahara desert, in an ordinary Austin A90 Westminster car.

Charles Partee

The subject of this book, William Donald McClure (1906 - 1977) was an American Presbyterian missionary in Africa. He started various missions in the Sudan and Ethiopia before was killed by guerillas in 1977 in Gode, Ethiopia. His death was described in a letter sent home by his wife, Lydia and son, Don Jr.

Adventure In Africa: The Story Of Don McClure

Adventure In Africa: The Story Of Don McClure by Charles Partee (1992) describes five decades of adventurous commitment to serving some of the most primitive people of Sudan and Ethiopia in the mid-20th century. Don McClure spent much of his life among the Shulla, Nuer, Dinka, Anuak and Somali people and reflects a brave and energetic man who was devoted to East Africa, before he was shot dead in 1977.

Bruce D Patterson

Lions Of Tsavo

Lions Of Tsavo: Exploring The Legacy Of Africa's Notorious Man-Eaters by Bruce D Patterson (2004) presents forensic evidence that the man-eating behaviour of the lions exhibited in 1898 was likely due to pathology. The author has demystified the tale of two male lions who began to hunt, kill and devour railway workers for more than 9 months and thought to have claimed the lives of 135 people. Kindle Version

R O Pearse

Empty Highways

Empty Highways: Ten Thousand Miles By Road And Lake Through East And Central Africa by R O Pearse (1935) is the story of Reg and Edith Pearse on the road to Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya and the Ruwenzori in 1934, travelling in a Model T Ford. The journey covered ten thousand miles without the vehicle giving any trouble.

John Pearson

Wildlife And Safari In Kenya

Wildlife And Safari In Kenya by John Pearson (1970) is a comprehensive guide for travellers to Kenya based on a collection of illustrated articles by various authors, including Joy Adamson, J S Kirkman, Peter Beard and more.

D W Phillipson

Mosi-Oa-Tunya: A Handbook To The Victoria Falls Region

Mosi-Oa-Tunya: A Handbook To The Victoria Falls Region edited by D W Phillipson (1975) provides a complete account of the entire area, both Zambian and Zimbabwean and aims to help the visitor whose sightseeing is restricted to one country to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the Falls. Each chapter of this book contains information from various contributors on topics such as the geology and formation of the Victoria Falls, stone-age man at the Victoria Falls, traditional history and ethnography, plus the wildlife.

Peter Pinney

Peter Pinney (1922 - 1992) was an Australian travel writer who used to wander the world with nothing but a string bag, the clothes on his back and sometimes a parasol. He didn’t let minor details like wars or a lack of money and visas, to get in his way. Basically he lived by his wits, conning his way across borders, surviving through a variety of jobs and other means.

Anywhere But Here

Anywhere But Here by Peter Pinney (1956) which describes his journey from Mozambique to Timbuktu, through southern Rhodesia, Barotseland, Angola, Nigeria and the Gold and Ivory Coasts.

Anywhere But Here

Who Wanders Alone by Peter Pinney (1954) describes the author's journey from Trieste to Zanzibar via, the then, Yugoslavia, Greece, Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria, the Congo and Kenya.

Frederick Edward Pitts

Things Are Different In Africa

Things Are Different In Africa: A Memoir Of Dangers And Adventures In The Congo by Frederick Edward Pitts (2004) recounts the author's experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer in an equatorial forest village deep in the Congo for a year. He recalls dangerous encounters with animals, skirmishes with robbers, dealings with crooked police officials and a motorcycle crash in the jungle 360 miles from medical care. It ends with involvement in political unrest, violence in the cities and evacuation to another country near the Sahara desert.

Miggs Pomeroy & Catherine Collins

The group consisted of co-author Catherine Pomeroy Collins (1913 - 2008) and her husband, Alan Copeland Collins, a New York literary agent (1902 - 1968); co-author Miggs Pomeroy (1923 - 1995) and her husband, Robert Livingston Pomeroy (1915 - 2009), brother of Catherine Collins and a US Information Officer in Benghazi; Randolph Churchill (1911 - 1968) and his son, Winston Spencer-Churchill (1940 – 2010); American scientist, Dr Henry W Setzer (1916 - 1992) of the National Museum, Washington and Lieutenant Francis Gibb in command of 6 British soldiers of the Royal Scots Regiment.

The Great Saharan Mouse-Hunt

The Great Saharan Mouse-Hunt by Miggs Pomeroy & Catherine Collins (1962) is the entertaining tale of a 6 week trip by a group of 14 British and American people who travelled in 6 Landrovers from Benghazi, Libya to the Tibesti mountains in central Sahara, northern Chad. It was partially a scientific expedition to find desert mice, as well as just a fun adventure where they encountered wandering tribesmen, ate epicurean meals of beans and champagne, found abandoned wreckage from the desert campaigns of World War II and swimming in desert lagoons.

R O Preston

Ronald Owen Preston (1867 - 1952) was a British construction engineer who worked on the Uganda Railway. When the construction of the Uganda Railway was started in 1897, R O Preston, who came from India, was assigned to the job of laying of the rails. He carried the whole task out, mile by mile, from the coast to Lake Victoria, living under canvas for 5 years. After the railway reached Lake Victoria in December 1901, Preston resigned in 1905 and settled in Nairobi.

R O Preston
R O Preston

Florence Preston
Florence Preston driving in the last spike of the Uganda Railway

Descending The Great Rift Valley: East Africa's Stupendous Engineering Feat by R O Preston (1942) is the extraordinary story of laying 581 miles of track over some of the most difficult terrain ever encountered. The author's wife Florence accompanied him all the way, living under canvas and suffering incredible hardships and dangers. It was Florence that drove in the last spike on 19 December 1901 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at Port Florence (named in her honour) on the Kavirondo Gulf (at Kisumu as it is today). Preston described Mile 326 (Nairobi) as "a bleak, swampy stretch of soppy landscape, windswept, devoid of human habitation of any sort, the resort of thousands of wild animals of every species."

The Genesis Of Kenya Colony

The Genesis Of Kenya Colony: A Paradise For Sportsmen And Tourists by R O Preston (1947) is a very scarce book of fascinating reminiscences by the Uganda Railway construction pioneer. It details the incidents and problems of the massive undertaking of building the railway - short supplies of water, work crews going down with malaria and dysentry, the man-eating lions at Tsavo, trains being derailed by locusts, caterpillars, termites and even guinea fowl.

Elizabeth Lees Price & Una Long

The Journals Of Elizabeth Lees Price

The Journals Of Elizabeth Lees Price: Written In Bechuanaland, Southern Africa 1854 - 1883 edited by Una Long (1956) features the correspondence of Elizabeth Lees Price, written in Bechuanaland in South Africa between the years 1854 and 1883. Elizabeth Lees Price, the daughter of missionary Robert Moffat, married another missionary, the Reverend Roger Price, in 1861. She lived and worked with him among the Bechuana tribes of southern Africa until his death in 1900. She had fourteen children, of whom ten survived childhood living in primitive conditions, travelling by ox-wagon before the railways arrived. She wrote long and detailed letters, which she called journals, to her friends and children in England and to her sister, Jeanie.

John Pringle

The Conservationists And The Killers

The Conservationists And The Killers: The Story Of Game Protection And The Wildlife Society Of Southern Africa by John Pringle (1982) covers the history of the Wildlife Society of South Africa from 1926 to 1980. Having a deep concern for nature conservation, the author was a long-time member of the Society. Interestingly, he recounts the story of when the last solitary survivor, of all the quaggas which used to inhabit South Africa, died in a cage in Amsterdam Zoo, making the species extinct. Within days of the demise of the quagga, a group of hunters formed the Natal Game Protection Association (NGPA) - the first known wildlife conservation body in South Africa.

S Tristram Pruen

Septimus Tristram Pruen (1859 - 1936) was a British surgeon who went to Africa as a medical officer with the Church Missionary Society.

The Arab And The African

The Arab And The African: Experiences In Eastern Equatorial Africa During A Residence Of Three Years by S Tristram Pruen (1891) is a medical missionary's account of life in Equatorial East Africa who "hopes that his book may throw some new light upon the Slave Trade, and the daily life of the African, as it is written by one who has lived amongst the people as their friend and equal ..." Free eBook

Oliver Ransford

Oliver Ransford (b.1914) was a British medical doctor who joined the British Colonial Medical Services, becoming a Government medical officer in Malawi for many years, before opening a private practice in Bulawayo, in 1947. He later became a well-known Rhodesian author writing a large number of books about the history of southern Africa.

Livingstone's Lake: The Drama Of Nyasa

Livingstone's Lake: The Drama Of Nyasa by Oliver Ransford (1966) describes in detail the ever changing nature of this inland sea from a scenic paradise to violent turbulence in an instant. The author draws the analogy of the lake, which Livingstone discovered in 1859, being reminiscent of the violence and bloodshed of slavery and brutal inter-tribal conflict.

Major R Raven-Hart

Major Roland Raven-Hart (1889 - 1971) was born in Ireland and trained as a radio/wireless engineer. He served in both World Wars on the General Staff of the British Army. After the WWI he worked in South America and Europe as a wireless engineer before retiring from the field in 1932. He then travelled to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to start canoeing the rivers of the world and writing books about his journeys.

Major R Raven-Hart
Major R Raven-Hart - right

Canoe Errant On The Nile

Canoe Errant On The Nile by Major R Raven-Hart (1936) is an account of the author's canoe journey on the Nile from Wadi Halfa in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, north to Aswan and Upper Egypt.

Mitch Reardon

Mitch Reardon was a South African born wildlife photographer and writer. He worked as a ranger in South Africa and Namibia before becoming a wildlife photographer and writer. After moving to Australia in 1987, he became a freelance writer for 'Australian Geographic', travelling widely across the country.

The Besieged Desert

The Besieged Desert by Mitch Reardon (1986) looks at the 1980s problems of war, drought and poaching in the Namib desert of North West Namibia where elephants, rhino and giraffe live in an envrironment unlike any other in Africa.

Etosha: Life & Death On An African Plain

Etosha: Life & Death On An African Plain by Mitch & Margot Reardon (1981) is the account of the three years the author and his wife, Margot Reardon, spent photographing animals in Etosha - the 2.4 million hectare reserve in northwestern Namibia.

Shaping Addo: The Story Of A South African National Park

Shaping Addo: The Story Of A South African National Park by Mitch Reardon (2021) examines the history of the park and the impact that changing conservation practices have had on its development. The author provides insight into the lives and habits of the individual Addo animals, the relationship between them and the management strategies required to ensure their survival. Kindle version only.

Shaping Kruger

Shaping Kruger by Mitch Reardon (2013) gives an insight into the lives, habits and behavior of the larger animals that significantly affect the workings of the Kruger Park. It examines individual species, predator-prey relationships, mammal distribution and browsing and grazing interactions.

Wild Karoo

Wild Karoo: A Journey Through History, Change And Revival In An Ancient Land by Mitch Reardon (2018) is an account of the authors 4,000 km journey through the Karoo, the heartland of South Africa. The Karoo was once viewed as a harsh and desolate place with limited attraction for visitors but now with reintroduced large and small game, the unique arid-adapted flora and the landscape and geology, it is gaining popularity with tourists.

Zululand: A Wildlife Heritage

Zululand: A Wildlife Heritage by Mitch & Margot Reardon (1984) is a photographic look at the game parks of Zululand which were instrumental in bringing back the black and white rhinos from the brink of extinction in South Africa.

W B Redmayne

Across Africa In A Lorry

Across Africa In A Lorry by W B Redmayne (1937) is the tale of a 5000 mile journey to visit mission stations and promote mission activity. The route taken was from Egypt through the Sudan, French Equatorial Africa, French Cameroons, Nigeria. Two 5 ton six-wheel lorries were involved, each carrying six people.

Alan Reeve

Alan Reeve (1910 - 1962) was a New Zealand-born Australian cartoonist, illustrator and journalist. As an itinerant caricaturist his work was exhibited in Australia and appeared in American magazines, including Fortune, Town & Country and Vogue.

Africa, I Presume?

Africa, I Presume? by Alan Reeve (1947) is a Cairo to Cape travelogue by a journalist which covers (largely by air) some 20000 miles for two London publications. The author sketches and writes of what he saw through Eygpt, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Zanzibar, Tanganyika, Portuguese East Africa and South Africa.

Henry Fenwick Reeve

Henry Fenwick Reeve (1854 – 1920 ) was a British colonial administrator and writer. He served under the British colonial governments of New South Wales, Victoria, Fiji, the Windward Islands, Gambia and Lagos. During his time in the Gambia he was employed by the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, as Chief Commissioner.

The Gambia

The Gambia: Its History, Ancient Mediaeval And Modern: Together With Its Geographical, Geological, And Ethnographical Conditions: And A description Of The Birds, Beasts, And Fishes Found Therein by Henry Fenwick Reeve (1912) provides European readers with a description of their colonies as real societies with their own histories and cultures, with the intention to engender a sense of obligation to provide human rights and fair treatment. Free eBook

Laura Resnick

A Blonde In Africa

A Blonde In Africa by Laura Resnick (1997) is an account of her trek across Africa - live mine fields in Sahara, bandits in Tanzania, an arrest in Nigeria and playing with wild gorillas in Zaire.

Mandy Retzlaff

One Hundred And Four Horses

One Hundred And Four Horses: A Memoir Of Farm And Family, Africa And Exile by Mandy Retzlaff (2014) is the story of the author's life as she and her family were forced to flee Zimbabwe when armed members of Mugabe's War Veterans' Association began violently reclaiming farms owned by white Zimbabweans. As many families in the same situation abandoned their land, they left behind dozens of horses. The author and her husband determined to save these animals, risked their lives on a long journey to bring the disparate group of horses to safety.

Alexander Jacob Reynolds

Alexander Jacob Reynolds
Alexander Jacob Reynolds on the Volta River

African Passage

African Passage by Alexander Jacob Reynolds (1934) is a travel memoir of a journey through Liberia, Ashanti (Ghana), Dahomey (Benin), Nigeria, Togo and Cameroon before and during World War I.

From The Ivory Coast To The Cameroons

From The Ivory Coast To The Cameroons by Alexander Jacob Reynolds (1929) is an account of the author's travels in West Africa, from the Ivory Coast through Nigeria to the Cameroons, with detailed and colourful observations on local customs, culture and commerce.

By Desert Ways To Indian Snows

By Desert Ways To Indian Snows by Alexander Jacob Reynolds (1932) is the story of a journey from Damsacus to Baghdad then to Karachi to Simla in the Himalayan foothills of India.

David Reynolds

Steam And Quinine On Africa's Great Lakes

Steam And Quinine On Africa's Great Lakes: The Story Of The Steamers White And Gold On Africa's Inland Waters by David Reynolds (1997) is an interesting book detailing the histories of individual vessels that worked on the great lakes of Africa. As an example, the small steamship 'Vera' started life as a German mission vessel on Lake Nyasa. She was sold to a trading company but was captured by the Germans in an attack on the town in Nyasaland. When the war ended, the 'Vera' was later bought by a former district officer, who installed a diesel engine. Later still she was sold to an Indian trader and is thought to have been taken to the Zambezi River. It is believed that she had been in service until 1971.

Lorenzo Ricciardi

The Voyage Of The Mir-El-Lah

The Voyage Of The Mir-El-Lah by Lorenzo Ricciardi (1980) is the tale of the author's voyage in a dhow from Shatt Al Arab on the Arabian Sea to the coast of East Africa. He travelled with his photographer and author wife, Mirella Ricciardi. The dhow, the Mir-El-Lah, travelled the classic monsoon route which Arab sailors have travelled for thousands of years. They encountered political turmoil, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes and cyclones as well as the unwelcome intrusion of the Iranian secret police, Yemeni guerillas and Somali commissars.

James Riddell

W James Riddell (1909 – 2000) was a British champion skier and author. During the World War II, Riddell was based in Jerusalem and Syria. In 1942, he was seconded to the 9th Army to set up the Middle East Ski and Mountaineering School near Beirut where he taught over 20,000 soldiers the techniques of mountain mobility and survival.

In The Forests Of The Night

In The Forests Of The Night by James Riddell (1946) is the tale of two amateur Englishmen armed with twenty Leica cameras who ventured into the strange, dark world of the Central African forest to take pictures of animals. The book is dedicated to his travelling companion Kenneth Cecil Gander Dower, known simply as Gandar, who Riddell says should have written this book. Gandar was killed, with many others, in 1944 when the ship in which he was travelling, SS Khedive Ismail, was torpedoed off Ceylon. Free eBook

African Wonderland

African Wonderland by James Riddell (1956) is an account of Riddell's lone journey through East Africa, Nyasaland and northern Transvaal in a quest to take photographs of big game at night by flashlight. He travelled down the Zambezi to the Indian Ocean on an old river boat, flew in an aeroplane over a flooded game reserve and climbed the Mlanje Mountain.

Herbert Rittlinger

Herbert Rittlinger (1909 - 1978) was a German writer, photographer, explorer and pioneer of folding boats and canoes. He made several paddle boat river journeys including down the Amazon and rivers in China, Japan, Australia, Greece, South America and Africa.

Herbert Rittlinger
Herbert Rittlinger

Ethiopian Adventure: From The Red Sea To The Blue Nile

Ethiopian Adventure: From The Red Sea To The Blue Nile by Herbert Rittlinger (1959) is an account of the author's 1954 paddle boat journey with his wife and friends. They paddled in the Red Sea, then on Lake Tana, the origin of the Blue Nile. They put the canoes into the Blue Nile water at the Abai Bridge and had gone 35 miles before pulling out because his wife was upset when a crocodile damaged her boat.

Herb Ritts

Herbert Ritts Jr. (1952 – 2002) was an American fashion photographer and director known for his photographs of celebrities and other cultural figures throughout the 1980s and 1990s.


Africa by Herb Ritts (1994) is a collection of stunning photographs of the wildlife, landscapes and people of East Africa.

Gregg Robinson

Elephants & Albidas

Elephants & Albidas by Gregg Robinson (2018) is a self-published coffee-table book of photographs of the wildlife in Zimbabwe. 'Albidas' refers to the Acacia albida tree, also known in English as the ana tree or apple-ring acacia.

Mirabel Rogers

When Rivers Meet

When Rivers Meet: The Story Of The First Trans-African Waterway Expedition by Mirabel Rogers (1960) is an account of the 1958 First Trans-African Waterways Expedition, led by Dr Daan Marais. They set out from the Port of Chinde in the Zambezi estuary on the Indian Ocean and travelled 5792 km via four lakes and seven major rivers to meet the Atlantic ocean at Banana Point at the Congo River estuary. The primary purpose of the expedition was to survey the route to determine the possible development of an equatorial water highway between the two oceans. The secondary purpose was to collect scientific specimens for study in parasitology, ornithology and anthropology. They used 3 15ft fibreglass boats and were supported by an overland crew in 2 vehicles with equipment and fuel.
Read more about The First Trans-African Waterway Expedition 1958 and the book by Lynne Ras, the daughter of Dr Daan Marais

Francis Rolt-Wheeler

Francis Rolt-Wheeler (1876 - 1960) was born Francis William Wheeler in England, later becoming a US citizen in 1903. He became a prolific writer, mostly of books for boys and later an occultist and episcopalian preacher.

The Tusk-Hunters

The Tusk-Hunters by Francis Rolt-Wheeler (1927) "The lure of the wild will call to men so long as red blood flows in human veins, whether that call come from the frozen tundra of Siberia or the sweltering jungle of Equatorial Africa. In later days, a deeper spell has been given both to the 'call of the wild' and to big-game hunting, in the desire to learn the inmost secrets of the lives of animals, a spell which is shared by the scientific naturalist and the photographer alike. To try to give some measure of the life of the Elephant, how he came to be, how he lived and lives, the part that he plays in the semi-explored wilds, and to arouse a deeper appreciation of that mighty Lord of the Forest is the aim and purpose of The Author."

Heather Rooken-Smith

Daisy's Daughter: Our Lives For Africa

Daisy's Daughter: Our Lives For Africa by Heather Rooken-Smith (2017) is, despite the excessively sentimental blurb, an interesting account of a huge family of settlers and pioneers all over Africa. Just the author and her husband's lives involved many upheavals in farming, deep sea fishing ventures, the two World Wars, the Mau Mau in Kenya, Rhodesia, Angola, South West Africa (Namibia) and South Africa. The author also recounts the stories of other members of her extended family, whose lives in Africa all started with Scottish-born William Alexander Rooken-Smith who after arriving in the Cape, first went to Kenya on a hunting trip in the early 1900s, at the age of 50. He took with him his farm pupil, Arthur Cecil Hoey (1883 - 1956) who would go on to become one of the foremost white hunters, alongside Cunninghame, Judd and Black.

Eric Rosenthal

Eric Rosenthal (1905 - 1983) was a South African historian and author of many books on South African history.

Stars And Stripes In Africa

Stars And Stripes In Africa by Eric Rosenthal (1938) 'Being a History of American Achievements in Africa by Explorers, Missionaries, Pirates, Adventurers, Hunters, Miners, Merchants, Scientists, Soldiers, Showmen, Engineers and others.'

Mark C Ross

Dangerous Beauty: Life And Death In Africa

Dangerous Beauty: Life And Death In Africa: True Stories From A Safari Guide by Mark C Ross (2001) is an account by an American safari guide working in Africa. He writes about deadly charges by elephants, encounters with lions, cheetahs and Cape buffalo and the excitement of witnessing the mass migrations of wildebeest. In 1999 he was camping with four clients in Uganda, searching for mountain gorillas, when Rwandan rebels crossed the border from the Congo and killed 2 of his clients and 6 other tourists.

The Micato Safaris Guide To Predators

The Micato Safaris Guide To Predators by Mark C Ross & David Reesor (date unknown) is a collection of photographs of the five great predators of the African bush - lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas and crocodiles. The authors shares their knowledge into the morphology, behaviours and daily activities of the large carnivores of Africa. There is a removable, fold-out guide containing the various traits and statistics of predators as well as tips on how to best observe and photograph the animals.

Predator: Life And Death In The African Bush

Predator: Life And Death In The African Bush by Mark C Ross & David Reesor (2007) could be a re-publication of 'The Micato Safaris Guide To Predators' or vice versa, it is unclear. Both books contain phenomenal photographs of the predators of Africa.

Kathaleen Stevens Rukavina

Kay Stevens (1910 - 2007) was born in Salt Lake City. From the age of six years she lived in Australia and from the age of 12 she lived in Northern Rhodesia. She married Baron Tasilo Karlo Mario Jerko Dujo Rukavina (1808 -1961), a Croatian who worked on the Copperbelt during late 1920's. Later in her life she returned to live in Maine and at some point married a Mr Foote. In addition to her books set in Africa, she wrote about Australia in 'Walkabout Down Under'.

Kathaleen Stevens Rukavina
Kathaleen Stevens Rukavina

John Edward 'Chirupula' Stephenson (c.1874 - 1957) was a British-born telegraph operator in Kimberley when he first arrived in South Africa. Looking for greener pastures further north, he travelled to Bulawayo then to Blantyre where he started his explorations on unopened country. After about two years he had the opportunity to join Rhodes and the march into Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia, under Robert Codrington.

John Edward 'Chirupula' Stephenson
John Edward 'Chirupula' Stephenson

Jungle Pathfinder: The Biography Of Chirupula Stephenson

Jungle Pathfinder: The Biography Of Chirupula Stephenson by Kathaleen Stevens Rukavina (1951) is the story of John Edward 'Chirupula' Stephenson who worked for Cecil Rhodes as one of his earliest administrators spearheading the drive to develop and settle Northern Rhodesia at the turn of the century. This is an account of Chirupula Stephenson's treks and adventures between 1896 and 1950. The author first heard about Stephenson as a 13 year old and later they became trusted friends, enabling her to write his biography.

Beyond The Zambesi

Beyond The Zambesi by Kathaleen Rukavina (1956) is possibly a book written for children.

John Russell

Kenya Beyond The Marich Pass

Kenya Beyond The Marich Pass: A District Officer's Story by John Russell (1994) is an account of the author's life as a district officer in the West Pokot District of Rift Valley Province, Kenya in the mid-20th century. After a short spell as a District Officer (Kikuyu Guard) during the Mau Mau rebellion, the author began his career in West Pokot, as officer in charge of the Sigor Division, at the foot of the Marich Pass and the Kenya Highlands. He humourously describes the practical problems of life in a remote Kenya out-station, dealing with grazing controls, digging wells, unreliable transport, flash floods, termites, scorpions, snakes and mosquitoes.

Cynthia Salvadori

Slaves and Ivory Continued

Slaves and Ivory Continued: Letters of R C R Whalley British Consul, Maji, SW Ethiopia 1930-1935 by Cynthia Salvadori (2010) contains the letters (directed to his superiors) of the last British consul in the remote border town of Maji in the south-west of Ethiopia. The letters detail the consular life in this region and the of life of the indigenous local populations. The title is based on the 1926 book 'Slaves And Ivory' by Major Henry Darley, who was an elephant hunter and a British frontier agent in Maji in 1909 and later, in 1919-20. Whalley and the previous consuls were assigned there to report on problems in frontier regions, such as livestock raiding, slave trading, gun-running, border incursions and to mediate and negotiate solutions to local conflict. However, the letters are a detailed illustration of how difficult these tasks were in such a volatile frontier area ruled by exploitative, autonomous rulers who lived off the land and suppressed the local populations.

Edgar Sanderson

Africa In The Nineteenth Century

Africa In The Nineteenth Century by Edgar Sanderson (1898) is a history of African events of the 19th century from a primarily British point of view. It includes accounts of British Rule at the Cape, the great "trekking" of the Boers and the rise of Natal and much more. Free eBook

Ivan Sanderson

Ivan Terence Sanderson (1911 – 1973) was a British born American biologist and prolific writer with a special interest in crytozoology. Sanderson conducted a number of expeditions as a young man into tropical areas in the 1920s and 1930s, gaining fame for his animal collecting as well as his popular writings on nature and travel.

Ivan Sanderson's Book Of Great Jungles

Ivan Sanderson's Book Of Great Jungles by Ivan Sanderson (1965) details the author's travels throughout the jungles of the world in search of exotic plants, geographic features, obscure peoples and unknown animals. He visited the jungles of Ceylon, the Congo, New Guinea and the Amazon from 1928 to the 1960s. He tells intriguing stories about botanical giants, deadly plants that emit poison to the touch, great flying continents that float two hundred feet in the air and support a multitude of living creatures, witch-men, fetishes, jungle legends and the fascinating customs of many tribes.

The Dynasty Of Abu

The Dynasty Of Abu: A History And Natural History Of The Elephants And Their Relatives Past And Present by Ivan Sanderson (1962) offers a world history through the lens of the 'Abu', which is the author's collective term for the distinct African and Asian elephants, and their relationship with mankind.

Leslie C Sayre

Africans On Safari

Africans On Safari by Leslie C Sayre (1952) is a book about missionary work in Africa. The use of the Swahili word 'safari' in the title, which usually refers to a journey or expedition, is used in the context of native Africans making a journey or pilgrimage to understanding Christianity.

Catherine Scheybeler

Africana: A Distant Journey Into Unknown Lands

Africana: A Distant Journey Into Unknown Lands (2014) is the Paolo Bianchi collection of works on the exploration of Africa up to the year 1900. It offers a fascinating insight into the rich and diverse history of the African continent as seen through western eyes. The emphasis of the collection is on illustrated books and is a valuable addition to works on the subject. Paolo Bianchi began as a collector of stamps which then led to the research of the history of Italian colonisation of Africa. This then inspired him to become a passionate bibliophile and start a collection of antiquarian books. He soon expanded his collection to cover the whole of Africa and the history of African exploration. This book includes nearly 400 items.

William B Seabrook

William Buehler Seabrook (1884 – 1945) was an American occultist, explorer, traveller, journalist and writer. He wrote about his experience of cannibalism in the book 'Jungle Ways', but he later admitted that the tribe had not allowed him to join in the ritualistic cannibalism.

Jungle Ways

Jungle Ways by William B Seabrook (1931) is an account of the author's journey through French West Africa in the late 1920s and early 1930s. He travelled through countries which were then French West Africa. Now they are Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Male, Bukina Faso, Niger and Togo. He wrote about witnessing witchcraft, cannibalism and possibly human sacrifice - he came back with pictures to prove it. Free eBook

John Cormac Seekings

Rudd: The Search For A Cape Merchant

Rudd: The Search For A Cape Merchant by John Cormac Seekings (2009). During his life-time Charles Rudd was a well-known and controversial figure in Britain and in South Africa. His involvement in the creation and development of De Beers, of Gold Fields of South Africa and its successor Consolidated Goldfields, and of the British South Africa Company, brought great personal wealth and power. But since his death in 1916 he has been forgotten. During his life-time he was overshadowed by his close friend and business partner, Cecil John Rhodes. Unlike Rhodes, Rudd shunned publicity. Unlike Rhodes, Rudd left few personal records. Although remembered by historians, Charles Dunell Rudd has been ignored by biographers. His interests ranged from the collecting of exotic ferns to the hunting of big game. In retirement he played major but forgotten roles as a kindly Scottish laird and as a generous benefactor.

Bettina Selby

Riding The Desert Trail: By Bicycle Up The Nile

Riding The Desert Trail: By Bicycle Up The Nile by Bettina Selby (1988). The author travelled the length of the Nile Valley, 4500 miles on a bicycle of her own design. She followed the course of the Nile from the delta on Egypt’s Mediterranean coast, through the length of Egypt and Sudan to the Mountains of the Moon in Uganda.

Frail Dream Of Timbuktu

Frail Dream Of Timbuktu by Bettina Selby (1991) is an account of the author's journey to explore the land of ancient African empires along the southern fringes of the Sahara. She followed the course of the Niger river, which flows deep into the Sahara Desert before turning back on itself through some of the poorest countries in West Africa.

Will Sellick

The Imperial African Cookery Book: Recipes From English-Speaking Africa

The Imperial African Cookery Book: Recipes From English-Speaking Africa by Will Sellick (2010) provides the first comprehensive overview of the extraordinary cookery traditions of British Africa which includes spices, Indian and Malaysian gastronomy, Khoesan preservation techniques, Victorian gentlemen’s club dinners and Boer survival rations.

John Seymour

One Man's Africa

One Man's Africa by John Seymour (1955) tells of the author's years in Africa which began in 1934 when he went as a trainee on a sheep farm. Subsequent jobs and experiences included another ranch job, some seasons as a pilchard fisherman at Walvis Bay, copper mining and the war in Abyssinia.

Sir Bryan Sharwood-Smith

Sir Bryan Evers Sharwood-Smith (1899 - 1983) first served in Northern Nigeria as Assistant District Officer and spent over thirty years there and it was after being the Governor of the Northern Region that he retired in 1957.

But Always Friends: Northern Nigeria and the Cameroons, 1921-57

But Always Friends: Northern Nigeria and the Cameroons, 1921-57 by Sir Bryan Sharwood-Smith (1969) is his autobiographical account of his life and work as a colonial officer in the English Cameroons and northern Nigeria between 1921 and 1957. It includes details of his professional relationships and friendships with some prominent figures of pre- and post-independence northern Nigerian politics, long before they rose to regional and national prominence. Shwarwood-Smith was also responsible for hosting the Queen during her visit to northern Nigeria in 1956.

Frank Sheardown

A Man Of The Field

A Man Of The Field by Frank Sheardown (1988) is the story of Sheardown's life in Kenya in the years following World War II, farming and some unorthodox hunting.

Eric Sherbrooke Walker

Major Eric George Sherbrooke Walker, MC (1887 - 1976) was a British military officer, hotelier and founder of the Outspan Hotel and Treetops Hotel in Kenya. Walker served on military duties during the Mau Mau Uprising in the early 1950s. Treetops was offered as a lookout point for the King's African Rifles, but in 1954 it was burned down by Mau Mau fighters.

Treetops Hotel

Treetops Hotel by Eric Sherbrooke Walker (1963). Treetops, in forest about 100 miles from Nairobi, Kenya, acquired world fame in February 1952, when Princess Elizabeth became Queen on her father's death, while staying there. This a frank and amusing account of how Eric Sherbrooke Walker and his wife, Lady Bettie Walker, built the hotel in the trees and re-built it after it was burned down by the Mau Mau. The famous hunter Jim Corbett moved to Kenya after the independence of India, took up residence at the nearby Outspan Hotel and became the resident hunter at Treetops.

Jack Sholomir

Beachcombers Of The African Jungle

Beachcombers Of The African Jungle by Jack Sholomir (1958) is the tale of the author's walk from Johannesburg to Egypt. On a stopover in South Africa he met Joy Koch who had decided to join him. Incidents encountered included travelling with a caravan, staying in a 'haunted castle', camping with with cannibals and pygmies and being deported from Uganda. They smuggled themselves across the border into Sudan, went by boat on the Nile and eventually escaped by ship from Alexandria.

Alex Shoumatoff

Alexander "Alex" Shoumatoff (b.1946) is an American journalist known for his nature and environmental writing.

African Madness

African Madness by Alex Shoumatoff (1988) tells the stories of Dian Fossey, the murdered gorilla researcher, the Emperor Bokassa, life in modern Madagascar, and the search for the source of the AIDS virus.

In Southern Light: Trekking Through Zaire And The Amazon

In Southern Light: Trekking Through Zaire And The Amazon by Alex Shoumatoff (1986) is an account of the author's journeys in the Brazilian jungle searching for a legendary tribe of Amazon women and in the African rainforest with pygmies. Includes details about local flora and fauna, native people and the calamities that befall the intrepid author.

Anthony Smith

Anthony Smith (b.1926) is British author and former television presenter. In 1962, he led 'The Sunday Telegraph Balloon Safari' expedition, flying a helium balloon from Zanzibar to East Africa, and then across the Ngorongoro Crater.

Throw Out Two Hands: Balloon Safari Over Africa

Throw Out Two Hands: Balloon Safari Over Africa by Anthony Smith (1963). The goal in this particular adventure was to prove that the observation of animals in the wild without frightening and sending them running for miles was best done from a balloon. However, what seemed simple in concept became a complicated and major effort of organisation. By 1962, the expedition was eventually ready for Anthony Smith and his colleagues Douglas Botting and Alan Root to take their place in their tiny basket. Apart from many other things the plan, executed despite all the dangers and complexities of pursuing any plan in the gigantic world of Africa, was to make a number of captive and free flights from Zanzibar in the east to the Serengeti plains of Tanganyika in the west. Reading a book like this, it is difficult not to want to become a balloonist immediately.

C S Smith

Charles Spencer Smith (1852 - 1923) was an African American Methodist preacher who founded the Sunday School Union in Tennessee and later became a bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, travelling through Africa and the rest of the world.

In 'Glimpses Of Africa' Smith says he wanted to see how the African-American might 'help' his African brother. He admits later in the book that there was really no need for help in any capacity. On the contrary, he comments, "I confess to a feeling of pleasurable disappointment when the fact dawned on me that West Africa could supply a greater number of skilled craftsmen than for whom places could be obtained."

Charles Spencer Smith
Charles Spencer Smith (centre)

Glimpses Of Africa: West And Southwest Coast

Glimpses Of Africa: West And Southwest Coast by C S Smith (1895) containing the author's impressions and observations during a voyage of six thousand miles from Sierra Leone to St Paul de Loanda and return. Including the Rio del Ray and Cameroon Rivers, and the Congo River from its mouth to Matadi. Free eBook

John Smith

Vet In Africa: Life On The Zambezi 1913-1933

Vet In Africa: Life On The Zambezi 1913-1933 by John Smith (1997) is a memoir of the life of a veterinary surgeon largely in Northern Rhodesia, where he established the colony's main agricultural research station and became head of the veterinary service. He saw the end of company rule and the establishment of the crown colony in 1923 and served in the Legislative and Executive Councils.

Wilbur Smith

On Leopard Rock

On Leopard Rock: A Life Of Adventures by Wilbur Smith (2019) is the author's memoir which tells the true stories of his life that have been the raw material for his novels. These tales include being attacked by lions, close encounters with sharks, getting lost in the African bush without water, crawling tunnels of gold mines, marlin fishing with Lee Marvin, the near death experience of crash-landing a Cessna aircraft and much more.

Keith Somerville

Ivory: Power And Poaching In Africa

Ivory: Power And Poaching In Africa by Keith Somerville (2017) examines the history and politics of why much African elephant poaching happens due to corruption, crime and politics.

Alvan S Southworth

Alvan S Southworth (1845 - 1901) was an American travel writer, journalist and former secretary of the American Geographical Society for 2 years. Southworth's obituary in The New York Times described him as "a man of brilliant attainments and with acquaintances ranging from Princes to the habitues of lodging houses." It was the New York Herald that sent him on his expedition to Africa, after which he apparently turned in the largest expense bill ever submitted to a newspaper, reputedly between US$40,000 to US$50,000.

Four Thousand Miles Of African Travels

Four Thousand Miles Of African Travels: A Personal Record Of A Journey Up The Nile And Through The Soudan To The Confines Of Central Africa by Alvan S Southworth (1875) is a very opinionated tale of the author's travels in Eygpt and the Soudan during which he also observes..."Africa should be Americanized; the cruel wrongs suffered by her people should be atoned for by practical measures of relief, and a guardianship— not unlike that extended over India by Great Britain— should in all haste begin". There is also much about Sir Samuel Baker and how the author appears to have taken part in locating the explorer when rumours abounded in Cairo of him being missing or dead. Free eBook

Andrew (Anders) Sparrman

Anders Erikson Sparrman (1748 - 1820) was a Swedish physician and naturalist who arrived in the Cape in 1772. When the English exploring expedition under Captain Cook visited the Cape, Sparrman was invited to join and in 1772 he sailed on the 'Resolution'. In 1775 he was back at the Cape and with a friend he went on an expedition into the interior for almost a year.

Anders Erikson Sparrman
Anders Erikson Sparrman

A Voyage To The Cape Of Good Hope, Towards The Antarctic Polar Circle, And Round the World

A Voyage To The Cape Of Good Hope, Towards The Antarctic Polar Circle, And Round the World by Andrew Sparrman (1786). Sparrman's account of Cook's voyage, as well as his exploration in Africa, are described in this book. Free eBook

James W Stapleton

James Wallace Stapleton (1911 - 1958) was a British farmer, author and broadcaster.

The Gate Hangs Well: A Kenya Diary

The Gate Hangs Well: A Kenya Diary by James W Stapleton (1957) is an amusing and interesting account of the author's farming experiences in Kenya. After serving as an RAF pilot in the Second World War he sailed for East Africa with his wife and two young daughters. The title of the book may refer to an old British sign outside a pub familiar to the author ... "This gate hangs well and hinders none, refresh and pay and travel on".

Willem Steenkamp

Willem Petrus Steenkamp (b.1940) is a South African author, journalist, historian and military analyst who has published a large number of books.

Land Of The Thirst King

Land Of The Thirst King by Willem Steenkamp (1975) is full of history and tales from Namaqualand in South Africa by an author whose family had lived there for 150 years.
Look for more books by Willem Steenkamp

Stuart Stevens

Stuart Stevens (b.1953) is an American travel writer and political consultant.

Malaria Dreams: An African Adventure

Malaria Dreams: An African Adventure by Stuart Stevens (1989) is a humorous tale about returning a friend's Landrover from the Central Africa Republic to Europe with close encounters with killer ants in Cameroon, revolutionary soldiers in the middle of Lake Chad and strangely frenzied Peace Corps parties in Niger. There's a long search for a functional set of springs in Timbuktu and near disastrous bouts with sickness and automotive malfunctions in the middle of the Sahara.

Dr William D Stewart

Dr William D Stewart (1936 - 2016) was an American business studies teacher who taught for 2 years in Uganda and a year in Ethiopia.

The story of Dr William D Stewart's experiences in Africa were related in a book of the same title written by J H McCown, published in 1974. James Hart McCown (1911 - 1991) was a Catholic priest who apparently recounted the African experiences from Dr Stewart's journal.

Elephants Have Right Of Way

Elephants Have Right Of Way by Dr William D Stewart (2010) recalls a two-year stint in the late 1960s when he and his wife took their four small children to Uganda so he could teach at an African girls' school. He recounts the journey to a place full of deadly snakes, wild animals, diseases without modern medicine and a land where elephants literally did have the right of way on the roads.

See also...Elephants Have Right Of Way by J H McCown (1974)

Mark Strage

Cape To Cairo: Rape Of A Continent

Cape To Cairo: Rape Of A Continent by Mark Strage (1973). "In 1870 nine-tenths of Africa still belonged to Africans. Thirty years later this proportion was reversed. Except for a few undesirable enclaves, the continent had been divided among the powers of Europe. That it could happen so quickly is testament to the white man's enterprise, his skill at organizing resources, his determination in the face of awesome adversity and his greed."

Olle Strandberg

Olof 'Olle' Georg Strandberg (1910 - 1956) was a Swedish journalist, author and literary scholar.


Jambo! by Olle Strandberg (1956)is about the author's 1952-1954 journey across the length and breadth of Africa (including the islands off Africa) in a Land Rover. He was accompanied by photographer Rune Hassner. Several editions of this book were published with different titles/subtitles such as 'Jambo Means Hello' and ' Jambo: A Book About Africa By Two Travelers Who Saw Everything But the Obvious'.

Robert P L Straughan

Jet Safari To Africa

Jet Safari To Africa by Robert P L Straughan (1973) offers a glimpse of the African continent - Dakar, West Africa, South Africa, Rhodesia, Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya.

Thomas Struhsaker

I Remember Africa

I Remember Africa: A Field Biologist's Half-Century Perspective by Thomas Struhsaker (2021 is a memoir based on the author's 56 years of wildlife research and conservation efforts in Africa. Most of this book is about the 18 years Struhsaker lived in the Kibale Forest of Uganda from 1970 to 1988. There he created a research station and initiated the movement leading to the creation of the Kibale National Park.

Eva Stuart-Watt

Eva Stuart-Watt (1891 - 1959) was born in Australia, spent her childhood in Africa with her missionary parents - the self-styled missionary, Stuart Watt and his Irish wife Rachel Watt who wrote an account of their lives in Africa titled 'In The Heart Of Savagedom'. In 1913, after school in Ireland, Eva returned to Africa to serve as a missionary with her parents. Her father and brother died of fever in 1914, leaving Eva, her mother and her sister to continue the work on their own.

Eva Stuart-Watt
Eva Stuart-Watt at the crater rim of Kilimanjaro

Africa's Dome Of Mystery

Africa's Dome Of Mystery by Eva Stuart Watt (1930) recounts the author's experiences in Africa, notably her Mount Kilimanjaro climb - she was the fourth woman to reach the crater rim in 1926. She writes about spotting the famous leopard carcase which was found earlier that year by Dr Donald Latham whose wife, Gwynneth, and son Michael Latham, wrote a book 'Kilimanjaro Tales: The Saga Of A Medical Family In Africa' about their lives in Tanganyika as bush medics in the 1920s to 1930s.

Brian Stutchbury

Flying, Farming And Fencing

Flying, Farming And Fencing: A Memoir Of A Kenya Life by Brian Stutchbury (2016) is the author's life story mostly in Africa when his father became secretary of the Muthaiga Club. He served as a pilot the RAF during World War II and when the war was over joined Ferguson tractors based in Nairobi. He then married and spent 10 years farming near Mount Elgon.After periods in Rhodesia, UAE and England, Stutchbury returned to Kenya to run a business in electric fencing solutions.

Hilary Sunman

A Very Different Land

A Very Different Land: Memories Of Empire From The Farmlands Of Kenya by Hilary Sunman (2014) is an account of the day-to-day experience of 'colonial service' and its challenges together with author's family story. The book concentrates on the author's father, William Owen Sunman (1908 - 1971) and his work as an agricultural officer in Kenya. The book examines the realities of life in Kenya for the wives and children of colonial officers, as well as for the officers themselves during the years after World War II, the move to independence and decolonisation and the early Mau Mau period.

Jason Swemmer

Elephant Man: The Great Ivory Hunters Of Days Past

Elephant Man: The Great Ivory Hunters Of Days Past by Jason Swemmer (2022). As well as the author's observations on elephant management and conservation in modern Africa, the book also includes tales of an earlier time and the the legendary figures of the wilderness that was the old Africa.

No Covenant

No Covenant: Eaten By Lions - The Story Behind One Of Humankind's Greatest Fears by Jason Swemmer (2022)looks at the concept of humans being hunted and consumed by lions which has always morbidly fascinated people who are mostly quite safe from the danger. However, the shared proximity of lions with many people across Africa regularly exposes them to this primal danger and the book recounts some man-eating events from the past and some newer ones. It also suggests solutions to save people and conserve the lions of Africa.

H E Symons

Humfrey Ewan Symons (1899 - 1940) was a British motoring journalist who made 3 motor expeditions across Africa. During WW2 he served as a flight lieutenant in the RAF and was killed aboard the SS Abukir which was torpedoed and sunk while rescuing evacuees from Ostend in May 1940.

Two Roads To Africa

Two Roads To Africa by H E Symons (1939) is about the first attempt, in 1939, at driving non-stop across Africa from London to Cape Town. Humfrey Symons and his friend, Bertie Browning (Herbert Brooks Browning (1884 - 1959), borrowed a Wolseley 18/85 car and completed the run in 31 days and 22 hours despite crashing through the railings of a bridge in the Congo. The waterlogged car was retrieved, fixed up, and went on to claim the first world record. This book also includes Symons' 2 other car expeditions across Africa, one of which was in a Rolls-Royce.

P Amaury Talbot

Percy Amaury Talbot (1877 - 1945) was a British anthropologist, botanist and researcher as well as a serving colonial district officer in Nigeria.

In The Shadow Of The Bush

In The Shadow Of The Bush by P Amaury Talbot (1912) recounts his travels, with his wife Dorothy Amaury Talbot (1871 - 1916), in southern Nigeria and the Cameroons to study the Ekoi people as well as the natural history of the area. Included are details about religion, position of women, birth customs, witchcraft, funeral ceremonies, war, government, folklore and more. Free eBook
For more anthropological books on Nigeria by Percy Amaury Talbot

Bayard Taylor

Bayard Taylor (1825 - 1878) was an American poet, diplomat and prolific travel author.

Bayard Taylor
Bayard Taylor

Journey To Central Africa

Journey To Central Africa: Or, Life And Landscapes From Egypt To The Negro Kingdoms Of The White Nile by Bayard Taylor (1854) records the author's travels in Egypt, Ethiopia and the Sudan during 1851 and early 1852. The book is filled with fascinating details of locales and peoples. Several years before the source of the White Nile had been established, Taylor travelled well south of Khartoum, as reflected in his account and its accompanying map. His objective, however, was to collect experiences rather than to help unravel what Harry Johnston called "the greatest geographical secret after the discovery of America". Free eBook

Orla B Taylor

Orla Benedict Taylor (1865 - 1945) was a Detroit lawyer and banker who travelled extensively in Europe and Africa after retiring.

Orla B Taylor
Orla B Taylor & wife Dorothea

Wandering in Africa: East And South Africa And The Sahara Desert

Wandering in Africa: East And South Africa And The Sahara Desert by Orla B Taylor (1931) is the account of his African safari which he took with his wife, Dorothea, referred to as his "constant companion".

Brigadier-General Trevor Ternan

Trevor Patrick Breffney Ternan (1860 - 1949) served with the British army in the Afghan War and Egyptian War before joining the Egyptian Army and serving in the Mahdist War. Later, he served in the Expedition in Unyoro, 1895 and became Commandant, Uganda Rifles in 1896. He acted as Commissioner and Consul-General, Uganda Protectorate, in 1897.

Some Experiences Of An Old Bromsgrovian

Some Experiences Of An Old Bromsgrovian: Soldiering In Afghanistan, Egypt And Uganda by Brigadier-General Trevor Ternan (1930) is an account of the author's distinguished military career in Egypt and the Sudan. He joined the Uganda Rifles, becoming Commandant in 1896. After serving in the Bunyoro expedition and after further operations in Uganda, he became acting Commissioner and Consul-General of Uganda Protectorate. He went on to hold same post in British East Africa in 1900.

George Thompson

George Thompson (1796 - 1889) was a Cape Town merchant who resided in South Africa for many years and travelled throughout the greater part of the Cape Colony and a considerable part of Bechuanaland. In 1823 and 1824 he proceeded to the Orange River and Bechuanaland and his account of these regions is recognized as the most important description of this part of the continent published in the early part of the nineteenth century.

Travels And Adventures In Southern Africa

Travels And Adventures In Southern Africa: Comprising A View Of The Present State Of The Cape Colony With Observations On The Progress And Prospects Of British Emigrants by George Thompson (1827) Vol I Free eBook Vol II Free eBook

David Thornycroft

Nigel And Corona: A Story Of Adventure, Sport, Wilderness And War From England To Africa

Nigel And Corona: A Story Of Adventure, Sport, Wilderness And War From England To Africa by David Thornycroft (2009) is a vivid portrait of Nigel and Corona Thornycroft, born into privileged English backgrounds, who, following the Second World War, emigrated to pioneer a tobacco, cattle and game farm in Southern Rhodesia. The book is filled with stories, anecdotes and tales of spearfishing in the Zambezi valley, humorous and deadly adventures with Googly the hippo and a vengeful buffalo, discovering important archaeological remains and San rock paintings.

Nigel Thornycroft

Fowler's Moon

Fowler's Moon by Nigel Thornycroft (1955) is a delightful book on wildfowling written and smuggled out by the author while he was in a POW camp, using an illegal pencil and scraps of toilet paper. 'Fowlers Moon' was originally published in 1955 and re-published in 2010 - was the book which established Nigel Thornycroft as an icon of English coastal wildfowlers.

David Thornycroft & Nigel Thornycroft

Fowler's Moon & Nigel And Corona

Fowler's Moon & Nigel And Corona by David Thornycroft & Nigel Thornycroft (2010) is a limited edition of the two volumes by the Thornycrofts together in one slip-case. 'Fowler's Moon'- a delightful and nostalgic book on wildfowling written. 'Nigel & Corona - A Story Of Adventure, Sport, Wilderness & War From England To Africa' - A family biography, recording the lives of Nigel and Corona Thornycroft which was initially put together by Corona, from Nigel's letters and war diaries, her own unpublished memoirs, her sister Rose's diary and memories and contributions of family and friends. Family members, Verity Thornycroft (in South Africa) and David Thornycroft (in Wales) edited and privately published this in a very limited edition, for members of the family. It includes 70 wildlife sketches from Corona's game book and 60 black and white photographs. The books make a handsome limited edition set, the two leather-backed volumes presented together in a cloth slip-case.

J K R Thorp

Sir John Kingsmill Robert Thorp (1912 - 1961) was an Irish-born cadet in the Colonial Administrative Service when he arrived in Kenya in 1935. He went on to become the District Officer in the Northern Frontier Province, then in Marsabit when it was in the front line of World WarII. He later became an administrator in St Lucia, followed by his appointment as Governor of the Seychelles in 1958, where he died while trying to save his son from drowning.

The Glittering Lake

The Glittering Lake: Memoir Of A District Officer In Kenya by J K R Thorp (2019) is about the day-to-day life of a District Officer in the Northern Frontier Province of Kenya from 1937 to 1943. The author records with humour and insight, the difficult physical conditions and human problems encountered amongst the Turkana, Rendille, Boran, Gelubba (Merille) and other tribes. He was first based on the western side of Lake Rudolph, now Lake Turkana, where he was one of only four Europeans in a desolate, arid area of about 77000 square kilometres. He later transferred to Marsabit, east of the lake, during the early years of World War II when Kenya was threatened with invasion by the Italians from Abyssinia, now Ethiopia.

Harold William Tilman

Harold William Tilman CBE, DSO, MC and Bar (1898 - 1977) was an English mountaineer and explorer, renowned for his Himalayan climbs and sailing voyages.

Harold William Tilman
Harold William Tilman

Snow On The Equator

Snow On The Equator by Harold William Tilman (1937). The author, after surviving in the Great War, found himself as a soldier-settler establishing a farm in Kenya. He later climbed Kilimanjaro, Mt. Kenya and Ruwenzori in the early 1930s. He finished off his 14 years in Africa by cycling from Kenya to Uganda, then to Stanleyville in the Belgian Congo, thence to Bangassa and Bangui in French Equatorial Africa and via the Cameroons, to the Atlantic Coast and a boat back to England. A great read!

Paul Tingay

Wildest Africa

Wildest Africa by Paul Tingay (1996) is a photographic record of the wild areas of Africa which include the Great Rift Valley of the east Africa, the desert of the southwest, the rain forest of the Congo River basin, the Zambezi River district, the velds of the south and the southern coast. The accompanying essays emphasize the vulnerability of this endangered continent where humanity competes with other animals for shrinking natural resources.

Derek Townsend

Safari: East Africa And Its National Parks

Safari: East Africa And Its National Parks by Derek Townsend (1973)

Wild Africa's Silent Call

Wild Africa's Silent Call by Derek Townsend (1969) 'Here, after months of travel and research, is a powerful and thrilling story: Encounters with big game, intriguing animal observations, among spear carrying warriors, the facts behind Zanzibars revolution.'

A J N Tremearne

Major Arthur John Newman Tremearne (1877 - 1915) was born in Melbourne and served as an officer in the British army. He was an African ethnologist and credited with the invention of a head-measuring gadget.

The Tailed Head-Hunters Of Nigeria

The Tailed Head-Hunters Of Nigeria by A J N Tremearne (1912) is an account of his 7 years experiences in the northern Nigerian pagan belt with a description of the manners, habits and customs of the native tribes. Free eBook

The Ban Of The Bori

The Ban Of The Bori: Demons And Demon Dancing In West And North Africa by A J N Tremearne (1914) is a study of popular religion and folklore in North Africa, particularly the regions around Tunis and Tripoli in the pre-First World War period. Free eBook

Hausa Superstitions And Customs

Hausa Superstitions And Customs: An Introduction To The Folk-lore And The Folk by A J N Tremearne (1913) Free eBook

Some Austral-African Notes And Anecdotes by A J N Tremearne (1913). The first three chapters deal with the Boer War and in particular the Australian contingents. The remainder of the book is about the author's experiences in West Africa.

Sir Frederick Treves

Sir Frederick Treves (1853 - 1923) was a prominent British surgeon and friend of Joseph Merrick, 'the Elephant Man'.

Uganda For A Holiday

Uganda For A Holiday by Sir Frederick Treves (1910) chronicles his tourist travels throughout Uganda, camping in the Great Rift Valley and one of the first accounts of a circumnavigation of Victoria Nyanza. Free eBook

Major Tudor G Trevor

Tudor Gruffydd Trevor (1865 - 1958) was a Welsh-born South African geologist and mining inspector for the Pretoria District of South Africa. A rare nickel iron oxide mineral was first found near Barbeton, which was subsequently named Trevorite after him.

Forty Years In Africa

Forty Years In Africa by Tudor G Trevor (1932) are the highly observant tales of the author's forty years in Africa.

Edward Truter & Martin Rudman

Fishing Stories For Africa

Fishing Stories For Africa: Stories From The First Ten Years Of The Fishing & Hunting Journal edited by Edward Truter & Martin Rudman (2014) There are 40 stories, set mostly in Africa, from 21 authors who share their fishing dreams and adventures. The pages are filled with stories set to entertain anyone with an interest in fish, fishing or the outdoor lifestyle. The author's father is Bruce Truter who wrote 'How Not To Hunt Pigs And Other Cautionary Tales Of Gun & Rod' and who started 'The Fishing & Hunting Journal'

Owen Tweedy

Owen Meredith Tweedy (1888 - 1960) served in the British army in the Middle East during World War I. After the war, he became an official in the British administration in Cairo. In 1924, he became a freelance journalism, specializing in Middle Eastern affairs.

By Way Of The Sahara: The African Odyssey Of Three Men And A Grocer's Van by Owen Tweedy (1930) is the account of an adventurous journey from the Nile to the Niger and across the Sahara. It includes descriptions of the native people encountered in remote villages throughout the Belgian Congo, French Equatoria, the Lake Chad region, Northern Nigeria, the French Niger Province, and the Sahara and Algeria. He travelled across Africa with his friend, Captain Richard Crofton and a Swahili cook in a 10 cwt lorry which was a grocer's van.

Walter Tyndale

Walter Frederick Roope Tyndale (1855 – 1943) was a British watercolourist of landscapes, architecture and street scenes, book illustrator and travel writer. He spent much time travelling Italy, Egypt, the Middle East and Japan, painting landscapes, street scenes and architecture.

Below The Cataracts

Below The Cataracts by Walter Tyndale (1907) is an account of his study and work in the Nile Valley. He painted the great Egyptian monuments to help others appreciate the wonder and mystery of the ancient civilisation and the picturesque life of modern (at the time) Egypt. Free eBook

Adrian Van Sinderen

Adrian Van Sinderen (1887 – 1963) was an American businessman who wrote 30 books, including several about his travels. He had been to six continents, all fifty United States and every American national park.

The Country Of The Mountains Of The Moon

The Country Of The Mountains Of The Moon by Adrian Van Sinderen (1951) is an account of the author's journey by river steamer along the Congo River and by car through the Ruwenzori Mountains of the Belgian Congo. He describes the people, places, wildlife and history but there was no hunting.

Africa: Land Of Many Lands

Africa: Land Of Many Lands by Adrian Van Sinderen (1950) is a illustrated narrative of the author's travels to Bechuanaland, the Rhodesias, The Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sahara Desert, Victoria Falls, Cape of Good Hope and more.

Lilian Van Velden

The subject of this book, George Selby (1937 – 2006) was born in South Africa, but was to spend the best thirty years of his life in his adopted country, his beloved Rhodesia, before returning to the land of his birth where he died in 2006. George Selby died before his book was published. It was compiled and edited by Lillian van Velden who ensured his voice came through on every page.

From Safari Suit To Camouflage: The Memoirs Of George Selby

From Safari Suit To Camouflage: The Memoirs Of George Selby by Lilian Van Velden (2015) is the story of one man's extraordinarily adventurous life that spanned the heydays of the 1950s through the 1960s, when the "winds of change" blew across Africa. Continuing through the 1970s and the Rhodesian War, during which the author served as a police reservist, then to the dying moments of Rhodesia, the country he called home. This book was first published in 2007 with the title, 'The Memoirs Of George Selby: A Journey Through Rhodesia To Zimbabwe' by Lilian Van Velden.

Henry Francis Varian

Henry Francis Varian (1876 - 1924) was a pioneer of the African railways. He spent 50 years on railway construction projects in Mozambique, Rhodesia, Angola and in East Africa.

Some African Milestones

Some African Milestones by Henry Francis Varian (1953) is a personal description of day-to-day business of building railways. It is a very readable tale of adventure and epic achievement. The foreword is by Ewart Grogan. Free eBook

John Varty

Nine Lives: Memoirs Of A Maverick Conservationist

Nine Lives: Memoirs Of A Maverick Conservationist by John Varty (2010) is the tale of of the author's progression from hunter to filmmaker to conservationist. Varty narrates the adventures, trials, mishaps and triumphs of his extraordinary life, from hunting lions at the age of twelve and teaching the orphaned lion cub Shingalana how to hunt for food, to spending last moments with the badly mauled female leopard, whom he had been following and filming for years. He reveals the secrets behind his close relationships with certain big cats and invokes the terror of his own narrow escapes from death, including a dangerous encounter with crocodiles and a near-fatal helicopter crash.

Iris Vaughan

Iris Emily Henrietta Niland (nee Vaughan) (1890 - 1977) started writing as a young girl during the time of the Anglo-Boer War, in the Eastern Cape. Because she was very outspoken and often embarrassed her magistrate father, he gave her a diary so that she could write her thoughts down instead of speaking them. Later she also wrote novels, but it is her diary that is best known today.

The Diary Of Iris Vaughan

The Diary Of Iris Vaughan by Iris Vaughan (1958) is a South African classic - the true diary of a young girl between the ages of about eight and twelve years at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is unintentionally hilarious and retains all the spelling errors of the original. Iris's father was a magistrate stationed in various small towns in the Eastern Cape and the diary gives an enchanting view of small-town life in the Cape Colony through the eyes of a perceptive young girl.

These Were My Yesterdays

These Were My Yesterdays by Iris Vaughan (1966) is the author's autobiography. It is the story of South Africa and Rhodesia in the times not so long ago when life was not quite so hurried as it is today.

Robert Vavra

A Tent With A View

A Tent With A View: An intimate African Experience by Robert Vavra (1991) is the account of the author's experience when he set up a tent in Maasai country and the Kenyan highlands. For several weeks he lived alone with African wildlife and native people.

Remembering Africa

Remembering Africa by Robert Vavra (2011) subtitled...'At His Campfire With...Jane Goodall, Peter Beard, Peter Matthiessen, George Schaller, Patric Hemingway, Bunny Allen, Martha Gellhorn, Karen Blixen and over 20 other further voices in the African Darkness'. The book views the African continent through the eyes of 33 explorers, adventurers, rogues, raconteurs, literary giants, scientists, and historical figures.

Bernard Venables

Bernard Venables (1907 - 2001) was a British angler, artist and writer. He travelled the world relating his angling experiences on TV and in many books.

Coming Down The Zambezi

Coming Down The Zambezi by Bernard Venables (1974) is an account of the author's 1966 trip on behalf of the Zambian government to explore tourism possibilities. His expedition took him down the Zambezi from the border of Angola and Congo, through Zambia, along Rhodesia's northern border, Lake Kariba and ending at Feira on the frontier with Mozambique. He makes sharp observations of the countryside and people, shooting for the pot and quite a bit of fishing along the way.

Al J Venter

Gunship Ace: The Wars Of Neall Ellis, Helicopter Pilot And Mercenary

Gunship Ace: The Wars Of Neall Ellis, Helicopter Pilot And Mercenary by Al J Venter (2011) is about a former South African Air Force pilot who saw action throughout the region from the 1970s. Neall Ellis is the best-known mercenary combat aviator alive. Apart from flying Alouette helicopter gunships in Angola, he has fought in the Balkan War, flew Mi-8s for Executive Outcomes, and thereafter an Mi-8 for Colonel Tim Spicer in Sierra Leone. For the past two years, as a civilian contractor, Ellis has been flying helicopter support missions in Afghanistan, where, he reckons, he has had more close shaves than in his entire previous four-decade career.

Michael Vickers

Ivory: An International History And Illustrated Survey With A Guide For Collectors

Ivory: An International History And Illustrated Survey With A Guide For Collectors by Michael Vickers (1987) showcases the production of ivory wares from a full spectrum of countries through the ages. There is a focus on the rarity of ivory and the resulting social and political implications of its circulation. With a large array of contributors, this survey covers ivory production in the earliest civilizations, Rome and Eastern Europe, Africa, the far and near East, North and South America through to contemporary carvers. Further, there is attention paid to the collecting and care of ivory items.

Werner Voight

60 Years In East Africa

60 Years In East Africa: Life Of A Settler 1926 To 1986 by Werner Voight (195) describes sixty years of experiences of a settler, during which the author built plantations for his German and other employers and finally acquired his own. His many adventures included a 1000 kilometre honeymoon foot safari, eight years of internment during World War II, prospecting for gold and establishing several plantations in Tanzania and Rwanda.

George Waddington & Rev Barnard Hanbury

George Waddington (1793 - 1869) was an English traveller, church historian and ordained vicar. He was responsible for the authorship and for the seventeen drawings the book describing a journey from Wadi Halfa to Meroe and back.

Rev Barnard Hanbury (1793 – 1833) originally planned the journey to Egypt. It was after meeting Waddington in Venice (who was en route to Greece) that Waddington decided to go with Hanbury to Egypt.

Journal Of A Visit To Some Parts Of Ethiopia

Journal Of A Visit To Some Parts Of Ethiopia by George Waddington & Rev Barnard Hanbury (1822) the authors decided to embark on an antiquarian tour of Egypt and Nubia. They were given permission to travel into Upper Egypt by the Governor. They were dressed as Turks and accompanied by an Irishman, James H Curtin as interpreter, two Maltese servants and a setter dog named Anubis. They ascended the Nile as far as Meroe. Whilst there they encountered the American traveller George English, and at Wadi Haifa met the French mineralogist Frederic Cailliaud. Free eBook

H B F Walker

Doctor Henry Francis Bell Walker (1876 - 1948) was a British medical doctor, who emigrated to Bedford in the Cape Province where he served as a GP until 1931. During the South West African campaign of 1915 he served with the SAMC and recorded his experiences in this book. In 1920 he bought some land and became a citrus tree farmer while still practising medicine. Still a very fit man at the age of 65, he served with the SAMC in Natal during World War II, becoming a physician specialist at the military hospital in Durban.

A Doctor's Diary in Damaraland

A Doctor's Diary in Damaraland by H B F Walker (1917) records Dr Walker's experiences serving with the Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance during the campaign in South West Africa. Free eBook

John Frederick Walker

A Certain Curve Of Horn: The Hundred-Year Quest For The Giant Sable Antelope Of Angola

A Certain Curve Of Horn: The Hundred-Year Quest For The Giant Sable Antelope Of Angola by John Frederick Walker (2004) tells the story of one of the most revered and endangered of the regal beasts of Africa - the giant sable antelope of Angola, a majestic, coal-black quadruped with breathtaking curved horns more than five feet long. It is an enthralling and tragic tale of exploration and adventure, politics and war, the brutal realities of life in Africa today, and the bitter choices of conflicting conservation strategies. 'A Certain Curve of Horn' traces the sable's emergence as a highly sought-after natural history prize before the First World War and follows its struggle to survive in a war zone fought over by the troops of half a dozen nations and its transformation into a political symbol and conservation icon. As he follows the trail of this mysterious animal, Walker interweaves the stories of the adventurers, scientists, and warriors who have come under the thrall of the beast, and how their actions would shape the fate of the giant sable antelope and the history of the war-torn nation that is its only home. Kindle Version

Ivory's Ghosts: The White Gold Of History And The Fate Of Elephants

Ivory's Ghosts: The White Gold Of History And The Fate Of Elephants by John Frederick Walker (2009) tells the astonishing story of the human lust for ivory and its cataclysmic implications for elephants. Kindle Version

David Webster

The Shimmering Heat: Memories Of A Bush Doctor In East Africa

The Shimmering Heat: Memories Of A Bush Doctor In East Africa by David Webster (2007) is the author's life in Kenya. He spent his childhood at Marsabit and worked as a doctor in the remote mission hoospital at Amudat in Uganda, then later at the government district hospital at Marsabit.

Mishkid: A Kenyan Childhood

Mishkid: A Kenyan Childhood by David Webster (2011) describes what it was like to grow up as a missionary child - 
a mishkid, as they were known. Much of his childhood was spent in the remote Northern Frontier District, on a mountain, Marsabit, surrounded by desert. With primal forest at the back door, elephants in the garden by night and baboons by day, it was an unusual upbringing shared with his African friends.

The Pulse Of The Countryside

The Pulse Of The Countryside by David Webster (2016) after growing up in Kenya and working as a doctor, he returned to England and spent thirty years as a rural GP.

Leo Weinthal

Leo Weinthal (1865 - 1930) was editor in chief of the Pretoria Press, and, along with Sir Roderick Jones, served as Reuters' chief correspondent in the Transvaal at the time of the outbreak of the Boer War, their impartial coverage doing much to enhance the reputation of the agency, Weinthal produced this encyclopaedic work as a belated but substantial tribute to Rhodes's idea.

The Story of the Cape to Cairo Railway And River Route, From 1887 To 1922

The Story of the Cape to Cairo Railway And River Route, From 1887 To 1922 by Leo Weinthal (1923) is a lavish 5 volume tribute to one of the most glorious failures of the empire, the project conceived by Cecil Rhodes as 'The Iron Spine and Ribs of Africa'. Weinthal recruited every possible person with a connection to Rhodes and to colonial Africa, every likely expert on the continent, and every amenable viceroy, sirdar and colonial governor. Prominent contributors were Sir Percy Fitzgerald on Cecil Rhodes and Dr Jameson, Sir Harry Johnston on the native languages along the route, Captain Selous on big game and Flinders Petrie on "The Trail of the Ancients on the Route". There is also an extract from Churchill's 'My African Journey', accompanied by a portrait.

Margaret Baker Wente

Margaret Baker Wente grew up in a jungle mission station in the Belgian Congo. In 1932 her parents, Donald and Lelia Baker arrive a mission station far up a tributary of the Congo River, where Dr Baker was the only doctor for an area the size of Indiana.

And We Ate The Leopard

And We Ate The Leopard: Serving In The Belgian Congo by Margaret Baker Wente (2007) describes the unusual story of the author's family's life in the Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) catching marauding leopards, surviving malarial attacks and living in the jungle without electricity or neighborhood grocery stores. With Congo's independence in 1960 and the associated violence, the Bakers were evacuated by the United States Air Force after serving twenty-eight years there.

Mark G Wentling

Africa Memoir: 50 Years, 54 Countries, One American Life

Africa Memoir: 50 Years, 54 Countries, One American Life by Mark G Wentling (2020) Volume I: Algeria - Liberia. These 3 volumes tell the author's life story from growing up in Kansas to his travel and work in all 54 African countries. He devotes a chapter to each country describing his firsthand experiences, eye-opening impressions and views on future prospects.
Africa Memoir: Volume II: Libya - Senegal
Africa Memoir: Volume III: Seychelles - Zimbabwe

Charles Weston

African Adventure

African Adventure by Charles Weston (1960) is a privately published account of the author's 24 day photographic (no hunting) safari through Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

W W Wheeler

William Webb Wheeler (1845 - 1925) was born in Ohio and worked his way up to become president of the Wheeler-Motter Mercantile Company in St Joseph, Missouri.

William Webb Wheeler
William Webb Wheeler at a train station in Uganda

Our Holiday In Africa

Our Holiday In Africa by W W Wheeler (1912) is a travel book about the author and his wife's tour of Africa, from Egypt to Cape Town and everywhere in between. Though Mr & Mrs Wheeler are rather disdainful of hunting, the book is littered with big game hunting anecdotes that they heard on their journey. The book is full of great photographs of Africa in 1912. Free eBook

William F Wheeler

William F Wheeler (1943 - 2008) was an American anaesthetist who made 24 trips to Africa travelling in a car. He then decided to make a journey through the Sahara, East Africa and the Ituri rainforest on foot like the old African explorers.

Alive In Africa

Alive In Africa: My Journeys On Foot In The Sahara, Rift Valley, And Rain Forest by William F Wheeler (2008) chronicles the author's journeys through three regions of Africa - the Sahara desert, the Rift Valley, and the Congo rain forest. The author aimed to travel like the explorers of old with no contact with the 'civilized world'. The book is illustrated with the author’s photos of the landscape and desert nomads, Maasai warriors, and Efe pygmies. The title word 'Alive' refers to his spiritual feeling of being truly alive while travelling, rather than escaping with his life due to a dire situation.

Efe Pygmies: Archers Of The African Rain Forest

Efe Pygmies: Archers Of The African Rain Forest by William F Wheeler (2000) is a photographic study of the Efe pygmy people who live in the depths of the Ituri forest. It depicts the seasonal lives of the Efe people - boys and men hunting, family life in their villages, dancing and music making and bark and body painting.

Jonathan Whitby

Bundu Doctor

Bundu Doctor by Jonathan Whitby (1961). The author was a Government Medical Officer in south west Africa. He describes his experiences in an unembellished, factual memoir - no romantised adventures or preaching. He worked in isolated towns of the Bechuanaland, Northern and Southern Rhodesia where disease and medical common sense vied with the witch doctor and superstition and minimal conditions of hygiene. This book was published in 1964 with the lurid title of 'Voodoo Venom' as part of the 'True Adventure Series'.

A C White

The Call Of The Bushveld

The Call Of The Bushveld by A C White (1949) are personal recollections of hunting and wildlife in the Transvaal lowveld.

Captain Arthur 'Sikereri' Whitfield

I'd Do It Again

I'd Do It Again by Arthur 'Sikereri' Whitfield (1954) is a rare book about the author's life in Rhodesia.

Errol Whittall

Errol Gilchrist Whittall (1906 - 1989) was a British settler in Kenya who owned a cattle ranch.

Dimbilil: The Story Of A Kenya Farm

Dimbilil: The Story Of A Kenya Farm by Errol Whittall (1956) is the account of the life of a settler in Kenya who farmed cattle on land he was allocated as a soldier's settlement after World War II.

John Whittingham

Shoe-String Safari: Travels, Adventures And Experiences In Africa

Shoe-String Safari: Travels, Adventures And Experiences In Africa by John Whittingham (1978) is a self-published account of the author's trip to East, Central and South Africa.

Rupert Wilkey

The Claws Of Africa: A Biography of Dick Prickett - Soldier, Forester, Hunter & Conservationist

The Claws Of Africa: A Biography of Dick Prickett - Soldier, Forester, Hunter & Conservationist by Rupert Wilkey (2020) is the life story of R J Prickett, as told to his grandson, Rupert Wilkey. The book relates Dick's early adventures in England and his marriage to Gertrude Annie in the most hilarious style. His life changed drastically when he was drafted and eventually found himself in Africa. As a young soldier he enjoyed hunting big game and fishing in the rivers flowing from Mount Kenya. After serving in the army, he subsequently returned to Kenya as a forest officer and things seemed to go well for him until after Kenya gained independence and he found himself back in England. Finding life unbearable in England, Dick and his wife Gertrude Annie went back to Kenya where they stayed until their deaths.
Books by R J Prickett

A Fish Eagle Calls

A Fish Eagle Calls: Memories Of Growing Up In Malawi 1975 - 1988 by Rupert Wilkey (2022) tells the story of the first twenty-five years of the author's life growing up in Kenya, before his family then moved to Malawi in 1975. It was there that his passion for reptiles and amphibians started. This book not only describes how he caught his first snake at twelve years old and swam in rivers with crocodiles and hippos; but it also tells of his feeling of loneliness and isolation with a very dysfunctional family.

Jeff Williams

On Foot In The African Bush: Adventures Of Safari Guides

On Foot In The African Bush: Adventures Of Safari Guides by Jeff Williams (2021) is based on the premise that "a walking trail in the bush is the ultimate adventure for a visitor to wild Africa and it is the skill and experience of their guides that allow them to do this safely". This is an "eye-opening collection of stories gathered from safari guides by the author - charging elephants, angry lions, inquisitive rhino, venomous snakes are all here".

Bailey Willis

Bailey Willis (1857- 1949) was an American geological engineer who worked for the United States Geological Survey and lectured at two prominent American universities. In 1929, Willis travelled the length of Africa, accompanied by his wife and supported by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, to study the geological structure of the deep rift valleys that bisect the East African plateau. His study convinced him that the valleys had not developed because of separation, as most geologists thought, but were the result of 'ramping' caused by compression and vertical movement.

Living Africa: A Geologist's Wanderings Through The Rift Valleys

Living Africa: A Geologist's Wanderings Through The Rift Valleys by Bailey Willis (1930) is a charming narrative of the author's observations and explorations during an expedition into the causes of earthquakes in Central Africa and their relationship to volcanic activity.

Colin Wills

Colin Frederick George Wills (1906 - 1965) was an Australian journalist, broadcaster, war correspondent, scriptwriter and travel writer.

White Traveller In Black Africa

White Traveller In Black Africa by Colin Wills (1951) is an account of a journey made through Nigeria, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone and Gambia.

Who Killed Kenya? by Colin Wills (1953). The author's observations about Kenya's past and the events leading up to the Mau Mau rising.

Lloyd L E Wilmot

Embers Of A Campfire

Embers Of A Campfire: Pioneering Adventures In The Wilds Of Botswana by Lloyd L E Wilmot (2018) is about the author's escapades and other exploits as one of Botswana's oldest professional guides. It includes episodes of being trapped in a cave with a black mamba, pinned down by an elephant bull, charged by a buffalo at night, attacked twice on the same day by crocodiles and sitting with lions at kills at night. The author is related to Eric Cronje Wilmot. Kindle version only.

James C Wilson

In 1927 James C Wilson (1901- 1995) and his friend, Francis Flood left their homes in Nebraska to ride their motorcycles and sidecars across Africa from Lagos, Nigeria to the Red Sea.

James C Wilson & Francis Flood
James C Wilson & Francis Flood

Three Wheeling Through Africa

Three Wheeling Through Africa: Two Adventurers Cross The So-Called Dark Continent North of Lake Chad On Motorcycles & Sidecars by James C Wilson (1936) is a delightful and very readable account of motorcycle travel from Lagos on the West Coast, up into the desert at Kano, east across what is now Chad and the Sudan to the Red Sea at Eritrea. They packed every concievable spare part imaginable, plus cameras & a banjo on their Triumph 5HP 3 speed motorcycles with sidecars .

William Winstanley

A Visit To Abyssinia

A Visit To Abyssinia: An Account Of Travel In Modern Ethiopia by William Winstanley (1881) 2 Volumes. The author's account of travel in Abyssinia in 1880 with observations on Emperor Yohannes IV and his court, churches, markets and customs. Free eBook Vol I Free eBook Vol II

Steve Wisecarver

Steve Wisecarver was an American Peace Corps Volunteer who spent 30 years in Africa with his wife. He was in Senegal from 1976 to 1978. He then worked for the USDA and USAID in places such as Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Mali, Kenya and Ivory Coast.He became the country director for the Peace Corps in Madagascar and Kenya from 2008 to 2013.

What Sahel Am I Doin' Here

What Sahel Am I Doin' Here: 30 Years Of Misadventures In Africa by Steve Wisecarver (2018) is a collection of tales that captures the exotic, bizarre, comic and even magical nature of daily life during the author's three decades in west Africa. It includes accounts of locals transforming themselves into hyenas, a remote tribe in Mali whose knowledge of the universe was given to them by ancient space travellers, a close call with killer African bees, pygmies who communicate with the trees, a nefarious arms dealer's private retreat and numerous other misadventures.

Michael Wood

After training as a surgeon in England, Michael Wood (1918 - 1987) moved to Kenya with his wife, Susan Wood and family in 1946. He spent the rest of his life living and working as a physician in Kenya and Tanzania until his death in the 1980s. He learned to fly in Kenya and was a founder of the Amref Flying Doctor Service, an organization that still provides medical care to people living in isolated areas of east Africa. Michael Wood received many awards for his humanitarian work which included a knighthood.

No Turning Back

No Turning Back by Michael Wood (2001) is the author's extraordinary life story as a medic in Kenya. He soon found he was regularly being called to emergencies in remote areas and often had to charter flights to get to these places. When the number of these emergencies escalated and became a challenge, Michael Wood learnt to fly and with some colleagues, he developed the idea of AMREF ( African Medical and Research Foundation) and its Flying Doctors Service. After much fund-raising, AMREF was founded in 1957 and continues its work to this day.

Go The Extra Mile: The Adventures And Reflections Of A Flying Doctor

Go The Extra Mile: The Adventures And Reflections Of A Flying Doctor by Michael Wood (1978) is a fascinating account of the author's experiences as a general surgeon and pilot, and the creation of the Flying Doctor Service in East Africa.

Susan Wood

A Fly In Amber

A Fly In Amber by Susan Wood (1964) is an account of how the author and her husband, Michael Wood developed the Flying Doctor Service in Kenya. They then developed the idea of a flying specialist service for reconstructive surgery in East and Central Africa and hospitals on wheels.

George E Woodberry

George Edward Woodberry (1855 - 1930) was an American literature critic and poet. He was a Professor at the University of Nebraska and later Columbia University.

North Africa And The Desert: Scenes And Moods

North Africa And The Desert: Scenes And Moods by George E Woodberry (1914) is the account of travels in north Africa including Tunisia and Libya. Free eBook

Leslie Woodhead

James Leslie John Woodhead is an award-winning British documentary filmmaker. He made several films about the Mursi, a nomadic cattle herding people in South West Ethiopia.

A Boxful Of Spirits: Adventures Of A Film-Maker In Africa

A Boxful Of Spirits: Adventures Of A Film-Maker In Africa by Leslie Woodhead (1987) is an account of making a series of films about the Mursi people living in the lower the Omo Valley of south-western Ethiopia.

C Brooke Worth

Charles Brooke Worth (1908 – 1984) was an American naturalist and virology professor.

Mosquito Safari: A Naturalist In Southern Africa

Mosquito Safari: A Naturalist In Southern Africa by C Brooke Worth (1971) is about an entomologist who for two years worked for an Arbovirus Research Unit doing lab and field work in South Africa, Portuguese East Africa and Uganda. The project was to investigate the existence, characteristics and range of arthropod-borne viruses. His extracurricular explorations lead to interesting excursions in swamps and forests and even onto a golf course, with observations of birds, reptiles, crabs and insect life.

Richard Wyndham

Guy Richard Charles Wyndham (1896 – 1948) was a British amateur artist who decided to visit an old school friend who was a government employee in the southern region of the Sudan in the 1930s. Prior to this, he served in the First World War, where he was wounded. He gained the rank of Captain in the King's Royal Rifle Corps. He was killed in Jerusalem during the Arab/Israeli conflict when working as a Sunday Times war correspondent.

The Gentle Savage

The Gentle Savage: A Sudanese Journey In The Province Of Bahr-el-Ghazal, Commonly Called "The Bog" by Richard Wyndham (1936) is an account the author's journey to the swamps of the Bahr-el-Gazahel district of the Sudan. While at times the author is frequently preoccupied on how he could get his hands on European liquor or food, he does provide some insights into the Dinka, Zande and Bongo tribes in the area. Free eBook

Captain John Yardley

John Henry Reginald Yardley, DSO (1881 - 1938) served as a captain in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Special Reserve.

Parergon: Or Eddies In Equatoria

Parergon: Or Eddies In Equatoria by Captain John Yardley (1931) is an account of the author's experiences in what he describes as one of the many side-shows connected with the First World War. 1917 found him on his way to Khartoum, and then southwards. It includes a vivid description of the campaign against the Turkana and Abyssinian raiders. He writes..."Parergon is primarily an eye-witness's story of that adventurous and arduous, though small-scale, campaign in Equatorial Africa; but I believe that it is also not without importance in the present fight against slavery." The word 'parergon' means or refers to a piece of work that is supplementary to or a by-product of a larger work.

John Young

Cheating Death by John Young (1937) are the autobiographical reminiscences and yarns by 'adventurer' John Young, mainly set in the Kenya of the mid-1920s where he worked up-country. Evokes something of the feel and atmosphere of the colony at this time even if the 'adventures' have something of the 'Boys' Own' feel to them.

Francis E Younghusband

Lieutenant Colonel Sir Francis Edward Younghusband (1863 - 1942) was a British Army officer, explorer and writer. He is remembered chiefly for his travels in the Far East and Central Asia, especially the 1904 British expedition to Tibet, which he led, during which a massacre of Tibetans occurred.

South Africa Of Today by Francis E Younghusband (1898) was written when he was a special correspondent for 'The Times' newspaper and visited South Africa in 1896. It is a fascinating look at the politics and upheaval in South Africa at the end of the nineteenth century, the time leading up to the Boer War and wild days of prospecting for gold and diamonds by South Africa's early settlers.

Solo Build It!