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Richard Lydekker Books

Richard Lydekker (1849 - 1915) was an English naturalist, geologist, author and sportsman. He was an associate of the taxidermist, Rowland Ward and it was he who spotted that J H Patterson's eland was a different subspecies when it was being mounted at Rowland Ward's studio. In 1874 he joined the Geological Survey of India and made studies of the vertebrate paleontology of northern India. Lydekker was also influential in the science of biogeography. In 1895 he delineated the biogeographical boundary through Indonesia, known as Lydekker's Line, that separates Wallacea on the west from Australia-New Guinea on the east. Lydekker worked for the British Museum of Natural History for over twenty years and remains to this day one of the great and most revered authorities on the wildlife and fauna of the world. He wrote many scientific articles and books but never neglected the sportsman interests in natural history.

Richard Lydekker
Richard Lydekker

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The Game Animals Of Africa

The Game Animals Of Africa by Richard Lydekker (1908) is an excellent work covering the natural history of both large and small African game animals. Later editions were revised by J G Dollman. Free eBook

Supplement To The Game Animals Of Africa

Supplement To The Game Animals Of Africa by Richard Lydekker (1911) Free eBook

The Game Animals Of India, Burma, Malaya And Tibet

The Game Animals Of India, Burma, Malaya And Tibet by Richard Lydekker (1907) is a very important reference work on all the game of Asia. Later editions were revised by J G Dollman. Free eBook

A Trip To Pilawin: The Deer-Park Of Count Joseph Potocki In Volhynia, Russia by Richard Lydekker (1908). Joseph Potocki was a Polish sportsman, big-game hunter, collector and Arabian horse breeder. He created a 12,000 hectare deer park known as Pilawin with it's own 88 mile railway service. Potocki kept game birds, elk herds, roebuck and wapiti along with both European and North American bison. In 1895 he took a hunting safari to Somaliland's Haud region and then into the Ogaden. Free eBook

African Elephant
African Elephant (height 11ft 4in), Central Hall, British Natural History Museum by Richard Lydekker

Guide To The Great Game Animals

Guide To The Great Game Animals (Ungulata) In The Department Of Zoology British Museum by Richard Lydekker (1907) includes illustrations and lists of horn, antlers and tusk measurements. Free eBook

The Great And Small Game Of Europe, Western And Northern Asia And America

The Great And Small Game Of Europe, Western And Northern Asia And America: Their Distribution, Habits And Structure by Richard Lydekker (1901) Free eBook

Wild Life Of The World

Wild Life Of The World: A Descriptive Survey Of The Geographical Distribution Of Animals by Richard Lydekker (1907) Free eBook

Animal Portraiture

Animal Portraiture by Richard Lydekker (1912) contains 50 fine, full-page mounted colour plates by Wilhelm Kuhnert. Free eBook

Horns And Hoofs: Or Chapters On Hoofed Animals by Richard Lydekker (1893) Free eBook

The Sheep And It's Cousins

The Sheep And It's Cousins by Richard Lydekker (1912) Free eBook

Phases Of Animal Life, Past And Present

Phases Of Animal Life, Past And Present by Richard Lydekker (1892) Free eBook

The Sportsman's British Bird Book

The Sportsman's British Bird Book by Richard Lydekker (1908) is a fine book on the natural history of British birds illustrated with photographs of museum specimens. Free eBook

The Deer Of All Lands

The Deer Of All Lands: A History Of The Family Cervidae Living And Extinct by Richard Lydekker (1898) is one of the finest pictorial records of deer. Free eBook

Wild Oxen, Sheep & Goats Of All Lands

Wild Oxen, Sheep & Goats Of All Lands, Living And Extinct by Richard Lydekker (1898) Free eBook

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