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Jan Roderigues Books

Not a game ranger himself, Jan Roderigues initially worked in the South African police force before becoming a journalist at a Pretoria newspaper. He was later appointed as senior journalist for the National Parks Board and editor of the in-house journal. His books are a result of the many tales he gathered from the Parks game rangers.

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Africa: The Legends Live On

Africa: The Legends Live On: A Bundle Of Hair-Raising Stories From The Heart Of The African Bush by Jan Roderigues (2009) is a collection of close-shave tales about different game rangers including Jack Seale who nearly died from a black mamba bite, Johan Fourie who averted a confrontation with a bull elephant due to his animal communication skills and Douw Grobler's encounter with a mad elephant with crooked tusks.

The Game Rangers: Seventy Eight Authentic Stories From The African Bush

The Game Rangers: Seventy Eight Authentic Stories From The African Bush by Jan Roderigues (1992) is another collection of tales from various South African game rangers which includes narrow escapes from charging hippos, man-eating lions and black mamba venom. This book may also be found published as 'The Game Rangers: A Bundle Authentic Stories From The African Bush'

A Barrel Of Laughs!

A Barrel Of Laughs!: Officials From The National Parks Tell Their Stories by Jan Roderigues (1996) is a more humorous selection of game ranger tales and misadventures.

The Silent Heroes Of The African Bush

The Silent Heroes Of The African Bush by Jan Roderigues (2003) is 'a collection of true, hair-raising stories, the rangers would rather forget...' It portrays the world of the game rangers and scientists in the South African national parks and their close and life-threatening encounters with animals.

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