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James Bruce Books

James Bruce (1730 - 1794) was a Scottish traveller and writer who spent more than a dozen years in North Africa and Ethiopia, where he traced the origins of the Blue Nile.

James Bruce
James Bruce

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Travels To Discover The Source Of The Nile

Travels To Discover The Source Of The Nile In The Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, And 1773 by James Bruce (1790) 5 Volumes. An account of his travels on the African continent, including comments on the history and religion of Egypt, an account of Indian trade, a history of Abyssinia, and other such material. Free eBook Vol I Free eBook Vol III Free eBook Vol IV Free eBook Vol V

Travels Through Part Of Africa

Travels Through Part Of Africa, Syria, Egypt, And Arabia Into Abyssinia To Discover The Source Of The Nile by James Bruce (1820) "Travels between the years 1768 and 1773, through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile."

Travels In Abyssinia And Nubia 1768-1773, To Discover The Source Of The Nile by James Bruce (1873)

Scenes And Sights In The East by James Bruce (1856)

Books About James Bruce

Miles Bredin

The Pale Abyssinian: A Life Of James Bruce, African Explorer And Adventurer

The Pale Abyssinian: A Life Of James Bruce, African Explorer And Adventurer by Miles Bredin (2001). After 12 years of travels Bruce returned to England only to be ridiculed and despised as a fake by Samuel Johnson and others. It was only when explorers penetrated the African interior 100 years later, that it was finally confirmed that Bruce really had achieved what he had claimed.

J M Clingan

J Morison Clingan was the editor of 'Bruce's Travels And Adventures In Abyssinia'.

Bruce's Travels And Adventures In Abyssinia

Bruce's Travels And Adventures In Abyssinia edited by J M Clingan (1860). Bruce stayed in Ethiopia for two years, gaining knowledge which enabled him subsequently to present a perfect picture of Ethiopian life. Free eBook

Sir Francis Head

Sir Francis Bond Head (1793 - 1875) was a soldier in the British Army and was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada in 1835.

Life Of Bruce: The African Traveller by Francis Head (1867) Free eBook

Sir Robert Lambert Playfair

Sir Robert Lambert Playfair (1828 - 1899) was in the Indian Political Service before becoming Consul-General of Algeria.

Travels In The Footsteps Of Bruce In Algeria And Tunis

Travels In The Footsteps Of Bruce In Algeria And Tunis by Sir Robert Lambert Playfair (1877). Robert Lambert Playfair was a successor to Bruce as British Consul in Algiers and was permitted to examine his immense store of manuscripts, drawings and collections.

J M Reid

Traveller Extraordinary: The life Of James Bruce Of Kinnaird

Traveller Extraordinary: The life Of James Bruce Of Kinnaird by J M Reid (1968). The remarkable adventures of an eighteenth-century explorer of the Nile who revealed a mysterious and fascinating Africa. James Bruce, laird of Scotland, returned to civilized London in 1774 after a decade of exploring, recording and even fighting for remote African states.

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