Dennis Holman Books

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Dennis Holman Books

Dennis Holman (b. 1915) was a British author who wrote a wide range of true adventure books. He spent much time with Eric Rundgren and Bill Woodley in preparation for the books he wrote about them.

Dennis Holman
Dennis Holman (left) with Eric Rundgren

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Inside Safari Hunting With Eric Rundgren

Inside Safari Hunting With Eric Rundgren by Dennis Holman (1969) is the biography of Eric Rundgren (1918 - 1992), a booming, boisterous, quick-tempered second-generation white hunter of Swedish extraction who reached the height of his volcanic career in 1958. A man of undisputed hunting prowess, he first worked for the Kenya Game Department, for whom he shot buffalo, elephant and lion, and later for Ker & Downey Safaris, eventually relocating his operations to Botswana.

The Elephant People

The Elephant People by Dennis Holman (1967) is an incredible account of elephant hunters and poachers in Kenya and the role played by the game warden, Bill Woodley, to supress the poaching. The author was able to penetrate inside the poaching syndicate with the help of Bill Woodley's intelligence team and collect important details of their activities. This book was published in US as 'Massacre Of The Elephants'.

Elephants At Sundown: The Story of Bill Woodley

Elephants At Sundown: The Story of Bill Woodley by Dennis Holman (1978) is the story of a remarkable man, Bill Woodley (1929 - 1995) who was one of Kenya's legendary game wardens, who knew virtually every professional hunter and poacher and revolutionized Kenya's National Parks. A story of excitement, action, high adventure and humour. this book follows on from 'The Elephant People'.

Massacre Of The Elephants

Massacre Of The Elephants by Dennis Holman (1967) is the true story of Bill Woodley's fight against the poachers and the coastal ivory ring, whose members - crooked dealers, ivory craftsman, middlemen, and agents - made a rich living off the corpses of thousands of elephants. This is the American publication of 'The Elephant People'.

Bwana Drum

Bwana Drum: The Story Of A Pseudo-Terrorist by Dennis Holman (1964). David Drummond, 'Bwana Drum' as he was known, was twenty when he was transferred to the Kenya Police Special Branch. Within a few months he was leading an intelligence network in an area where ninety-five per cent of the Kikuyu in revolt were fanatical Mau Mau supporters. Drummond's first major opponent was the notorious General Harun Njeroge, who launched a personal vendetta and sent Bwana Drum grim warnings in a series of horrible letters. In order to outwit the terrorist general, Drummond formed a gang from the Mau Mau he captured and converted; they became one of the famous pseudo-terorist bands which finally broke the Mau Mau hard core and ended the Emergency. This book was published in the US as 'Mau Mau Manhunt'.

C J P Ionides collaborated with Dennis Holman to write his autobiography 'A Hunter's Story'.

All other non-Africa books by Dennis Holman

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