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Pascal James Imperato Books

Pascal James Imperato (b.1937) is a doctor and professor of tropical medicine and public health. He is also an author of many books about Africa, particularly about the art of Mali.

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They Married Adventure: The Wandering Lives Of Martin And Osa Johnson

They Married Adventure: The Wandering Lives Of Martin And Osa Johnson by Pascal James and Eleanor Imperato (1999). Martin and Osa Johnson thrilled American audiences of the 1920s and '30s with their remarkable movies of far-away places, exotic peoples and the dramatic spectacle of Asian and African wildlife. Their own lives were as exciting as the movies they made, here revealed in this fascinating and intimate portrait of an intrepid couple.

Arthur Donaldson Smith And The Exploration Of Lake Rudolf by Pascal James Imperato (1987)

Over Land And Sea

Over Land And Sea: Memoirs Of An Austrian Rear Admiral's Life In Europe And Africa, 1857-1909 by Pascal James Imperato & Ronald E Coons (1998) is the story of Ludwig Ritter von Höhnel, an explorer of East Africa in the era of Livingstone and Stanley. Von Höhnel mapped vast areas of modern-day Kenya and Tanzania, and was among the first Europeans to see Lake Rudolf (today Lake Turkana). While in Africa, he was seriously injured by a charging rhinoceros and was transported back to Europe.

Quest For The Jade Sea

Quest For The Jade Sea: Colonial Competition Around an East African Lake by Pascal James Imperato (1998). Lake Rudolph (now Lake Turkana) was the last of the major African lakes to be visited by European travelers in the late nineteenth century. It is a large saltwater body two hundred miles long and forty miles wide and because of the greenish colour of its waters, it has long been called the Jade Sea. This book examines the fascinating story of colonial competition around this remote lake which included the British, Italians, French, Russians and Ethiopians. The book also focuses on the expeditions that travelled there, such as those of Teleki, von Höhnel and Donaldson-Smith.

A Wind In Africa

A Wind In Africa: A Story Of Modern Medicine in Mali by Pascal James Imperato (1975) is the story of a medical mission to Mali from 1966 to 1971 to vaccinate the entire population against smallpox and yellow fever, all children under six years old against measles and to deliver mobile health services to the entire population.

Bwana Doctor

Bwana Doctor by Pascal James Imperato (1967) was first published in 1964 under title 'Doctor In The Land Of The Lion'. A young doctor describes his experiences in a small mission hospital in Tanzania.

For more books by Pascal James Imperato about the art of Mali and public health medicine.

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