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Bernhard Grzimek Books

Bernhard Klemens Maria Grzimek (1909 - 1987) was a renowned German zoo director, zoologist, author and animal conservationist. Grzimek is most famous for his conservation work of the Serengeti. He spent several years studying the wildlife there with his son Michael, including aerial surveys and game counts of the annual migrations. In 1959 Michael was killed in an air crash due to a collision with a vulture. He was a key player in the creation of the Serengeti National Park.

Bernhard Grzimek
Bernhard Grzimek

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Among Animals Of Africa

Among Animals Of Africa by Bernhard Grzimek (1970) describes the unorthodox methods and resources the author has used to elicit reactions from animals to correct many false traditions and prejudice. Encounters with raging rhinos and elephants; the danger filled landing of grown chipanzees being returned to Africa from European zoos; experiences with giant snakes and crocodiles; rides in an amphibious car to thwart the crocodile poachers and more.

Doctor Jimek I Presume

Doctor Jimek I Presume by Bernhard Grzimek (1956) is the story of Grzimek's animal collecting expedition through the Congo. Free eBook

Serengeti Shall Not Die

Serengeti Shall Not Die by Bernhard Grzimek (1960). The author maps the routes of migration and counts the animal numbers in order to preserve this last sanctuary and he raises the fundamental issue whether man has inviolable rights on earth, or at least in the Serengeti, wildlife should be given priority.

No Room For Wild Animals

No Room For Wild Animals by Bernhard Grzimek (1956) is an account of his adventures in the Belgian Congo and his thoughts about big game hunters, the alarming proliferation of man and the decreasing species of animals.

Twenty Animals, One Man

Twenty Animals, One Man by Bernhard Grzimek (1963) is an entertaining and informative book by the former Director of Frankfurt Zoo. Covers mammalian behaviour within zoos and natural habitats.

He And I And The Elephants

He And I And The Elephants by Bernhard Grzimek (1967) is about the wildlife of the Ivory Coast and a tribe called the Baule.

Rhinos Belong To Everybody

Rhinos Belong To Everybody by Bernhard Grzimek (1962) is a survey of wildlife from the Congo and the Sudan to the Cape.

Visions Of Paradise

Visions Of Paradise by Bernhard Grzimek, Leni Riefenstahl, Reinhold Messner & Herbert Tichy (1981, 1st English edition) is a photographic book on mountains, the Himalayas and Africa.

Four-Legged Australians

Four-Legged Australians: Adventures With Animals And Men In Australia by Bernhard Grzimek (1967). Grzimek visited Australia and New Guinea seeing for himself how animals lived in their native habitats. He describes kangaroos and the first discoverers of the birds of paradise.

Wild Animal, White Man

Wild Animal, White Man: Some Wildlife In Europe, Soviet Russia And North America by Bernhard Grzimek (1966)

Such Agreeable Friends

Such Agreeable Friends by Bernhard Grzimek (1964) is a zoo-keeper's memoir about animal behaviour.

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia by Bernhard Grzimek (1971) 13 volumes on all animal classes and species.

Grzimek's Encyclopedia Of Ethology

Grzimek's Encyclopedia Of Ethology by Bernhard Grzimek et al (1977) is a comprehensive book of ethology, the scientific study of animal and human behaviour.

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