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Errol Trzebinski Books

Errol Trzebinski (b.1936) was British-born Eryl Jones, who settled in Kenya where she spent twelve years living on part of Karen Blixen's old coffee farm. She changed her name when she married a Polish architect. She became an author of several books about the prominent Happy Valley characters of colonial Kenya, including Dents Finch Hatten, Beryl Markham and Lord Erroll. Her book 'Silence Will Speak' was a source for the script of the 1985 movie 'Out of Africa'.

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Silence Will Speak: A Study Of The Life Of Denys Finch Hatton And His Relationship With Karen Blixen

Silence Will Speak: A Study Of The Life Of Denys Finch Hatton And His Relationship With Karen Blixen by Errol Trzebinski (1977) is a full-length biography of Denys Finch Hatton who was Isak Dinesen's friend and lover in Kenya in the 1920s as well as the friend of aviatrix Beryl Markham.

The Lives Of Beryl Markham

The Lives Of Beryl Markham by Errol Trzebinski (1993) is the biography of the hauntingly beautiful, tough as steel, totally amoral and immensely brave, Beryl Markham who inspired lust, resentment and admiration and was chased by scandal wherever she went. Married three times, she counted Edward Prince of Wales, his brother the Duke of Gloucester and Denys Finch Hatton among her lovers. Capping notoriety with fame, in 1936 Beryl Markham became the first woman to fly solo west across the Atlantic, the feat described in her bestselling memoir 'West with the Night'.

The Life And Death Of Lord Erroll

The Life And Death Of Lord Erroll by Errol Trzebinski (2000) Reveals for the first time, the shocking truth behind the Happy Valley murder.

The Kenya Pioneers

The Kenya Pioneers by Errol Trzebinski (1985). Between 1896 and 1920 hundreds of Europeans settled in East Africa. The author shows what life was like then, not just for the white intruders but for the Indian railway artisans and the Africans and the tireless effort required to hone bush into farmland.

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