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Clive A Spinage Books

Clive Alfred Spinage went to Kenya in 1953 to work with the Kenya Police for 2 years, engaged in anti-terrorist patrols in Aberdare Mountains. He stayed for another 5 years after becoming very interested in the wildlife of Kenya. He visited the National Parks and Reserves of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika, eventually becoming a naturalist and wildlife photographer.

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From Dark Heart To Kalahari: The Not-So-Ecological Adventures Of An Ecologist In Africa

From Dark Heart To Kalahari: The Not-So-Ecological Adventures Of An Ecologist In Africa by Clive Spinage (2006) is a partial autobiography in which the author gives a light-hearted account of his attempts to gain a degree in zoology and his adventures as an ecologist in Uganda, Tanzania, Botswana, Central Africa Republic, Rwanda and Burkino-Faso. He began his time in Africa in Kenya in 1953, but did not become a professional wildlife ecologist until 1964 when he conducted antelope research in Uganda.


Elephants by Clive A Spinage (1994). The range is wide in geographical terms, covering both the African and Asian elephant as well as the extinct mammoth. Their origins, evolution, anatomy, ecology and behaviour are all subjects for discussion.

A Territorial Antelope: The Uganda Waterbuck

A Territorial Antelope: The Uganda Waterbuck by Clive A Spinage (1982) is a scientific study on waterbuck territories. "Prompted by the need to understand the population dynamics of wildlife in the Queen Elizabeth National Park of western Uganda, now the Rwenzori Park, the author of this book, during the years 1964-1967, undertook a comprehensive investigation of the biology and social organisation of the Uganda Waterbuck. The book is directed at both professional and amateur zoologists, particularly those interested in social organisation and animal behaviour".

The Book Of The Giraffe

The Book Of The Giraffe by Clive A Spinage (1968) traces the giraffe from its remote ancestors through its appearance in primitive cave art and Egyptian painting to its first semi-historial connections with Rome, China and the Arabic world. It includes the author's own photographs taken on the plains of East Africa where he has made his own careful studies of the giraffe.

Animals Of East Africa

Animals Of East Africa by Clive A Spinage (1962). The author groups the animals in chapters according to their habitat. The chapter on plains' animals ranges from giraffe, zebra, antelope and gazelle to the warthog and the ostrich. The chapter on predators and scavengers includes lion and leopard to the marabou stork and the moth whose larvae scavenge keratin from the horns of carcases. Elephant, buffalo and rhinoceros make a third chapter with another on the fauna of lakes and rivers with the personal habits of hippopotami and the fish which 'groom' them.

African Ecology

African Ecology: Benchmarks and Historical Perspectives by Clive A Spinage (2012). In view of the rapidly changing ecology of Africa , this work provides benchmarks for some of the major aspects, with an accent on historical data to enable habitats to be seen in relation to their previous state, forming a background reference work to understanding how the ecology of Africa has been shaped by its past.

Cattle Plague: A History

Cattle Plague: A History by Clive A Spinage (2012) is the most comprehensive general study of the history of cattle plague or rinderpest yet attempted, of which there has not been a book in English since 1866. It was responsible for a major panzootic in Africa at the turn of the 19th century, devastating domestic and wild animals alike and affecting the ecology of Africa to the present.

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