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John H Roush Books

Colonel John H Roush Jr (1923 - 2021) was a US Army Colonel who was an infantry platoon leader in Europe during World War II. He was a Fellow of The Explorers Club, wildlife conservationist, a lifelong big game hunter and fisherman. His hunting and fishing exploits took him around the USA and across the world. He was a prolific author, writing many books on subjects ranging from hunting, fishing to military matters.

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Hunting Amazing Africa

Hunting Amazing Africa by John H Roush Jr (2005) is a collection of stories of hunting big game in Africa.

Hunting Dangerous Game With Maharajas

Hunting Dangerous Game With Maharajas by John H Roush & Shuja Ul Islam (2000) are tales of adventures on a grand scale that took place for the most part in the first half of the 20th century. It contains many great stories of perilous adventures with Indian royalty on dangerous game hunts, often of man-eating tigers and leopards, as well as other animals. The author describes the colourful pageantry of those hunts with the Maharajas, who always offered splendid hospitality to their guests. These grand hunts that will never seen or done again.

Antlers Afield

Antlers Afield by John H Roush (1988) is a collection of stories of hunting antlered game throughout the world. It includes hunts for deer, caribou, elk, antelope, sheep, kudu, springbok, chamois, eland & others, plus there are chapters on hunters and guides known to the author.

Successfully Fishing Lake Tahoe

Successfully Fishing Lake Tahoe by John H Roush (1976) is a well-researched study about gamefishing with innovative and productive techniques together with the rationale. The remarkable success that has followed certainly proves the value of the unique departures from conventional wisdom and technique. Eight of the ten largest fish caught in Lake Tahoe during the summer of 1975 were taken from his own boat or by his friends using his methods. The author alone has taken several tons of big fish just from that lake alone.

Enjoying Fishing Lake Tahoe, The Truckee River And Pyramid Lake

Enjoying Fishing Lake Tahoe, The Truckee River And Pyramid Lake by John H Roush (1987) is a study of the knowledge needed to successfully fish Lake Tahoe, the Truckee River and Pyramid Lake, as well as tributary waters, with sporting tackle. The scope of the book is expanded to explore the many mysteries and some of the natural history of the Lahontan basin.

World War II Reminiscences

World War II Reminiscences by John H Roush (1995) is a dramatic collection of the combat experiences of over 70 men in WWII, as told by one combat veteran to another. Veterans of dangerous encounters are much more apt to open up with details. He talked with many people who, many years later, still feel it emotionally disturbing to recall the specific horrors of war.

Memories Of An Interesting Life

Memories Of An Interesting Life by John H Roush (2009) follows the life and times of author John Roush. From his start in Portland, Oregon, he joined the military, fought in World War II, travelled overseas and became a big game hunter.

Vivid Memories Of An Interesting Life

Vivid Memories of an Interesting Life by Col John H Roush Jr(2017) is the author's endeavour to understand the circumstances in his long life of travel that have created vivid memories.

Hunting Deer, Elk And Antelope In The Western States

Hunting Deer, Elk And Antelope In The Western States by John H Roush (2009) draws on his long life of experience to capture the essence of good stalking for deer and antelope.

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