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Robert Halmi Books

Robert Halmi Sr (1924 - 2014) was a Hungarian-born producer of movies and TV shows. In the US he became a commercial photographer for magazines like LIFE and Sports Illustrated and was commissioned for adventure and travel stories. Halmi then went into making documentaries for television and feature films. He raced cars in road rallies and once drove in a 3000 mile race in east Africa. He also wrote an article 'Great True Hunts' for 'True' magazine, based on travelling the world on hunting expeditions with 'celebrities' like the golf champion Sam Snead and the Shah of Iran.

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In The Wilds Of Africa

In The Wilds Of Africa by Robert Halmi (1969) describes the physical characteristics and behavior of nineteen African animals and discusses some popular myths about them. For young readers.

American Dreamer

American Dreamer: My Story Of Survival, Adventure, And Success by Robert Halmi Sr (2015) is the author's autobiography just completed before he died in 2014. It includes lots of adventurous tales of his life as a photographer such as dangling from helicopters, hunting big game in Africa with dictators, blowing himself up and marooning himself on a glacier for three weeks. It continues with tales of his life as a TV and film mogul working with Hollywood's most famous film stars of the time.

Visit To A Chief's Son

Visit To A Chief's Son: An American Boy's Adventure With An African Tribe by Robert Halmi (1963) is the account of the 1962 trip the author took to Kenya with his young step-son Kevin. It is focusses on Kevin’s friendship with Dionni, the son of the Masai chief. This story was also the subject of a Life magazine photographic article and later was made into Halmi's first feature film in 1974.

Into Your Hand Are They Delivered

Into Your Hand Are They Delivered by Robert Halmi (1969) is large coffee table book full of colour photographs of animals. The premise of the book is that man is responsible for his fellow creatures and their survival rests in his hands. The author states that hunters have a truer concern for the preservation of wild beasts than "animal lovers".

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