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M W Hilton-Simpson Books

Melville William Hilton-Simpson (1881 - 1938) was a British traveller, anthropologist and hunter.

Melville William Hilton-Simpson
Melville William Hilton-Simpson

Algiers And Beyond

Algiers And Beyond by M W Hilton-Simpson (1906). The author travelled to Algiers and into the Algerian hinterland by camel and horse. He spent time among the Arabs observing their lifestyles and especially their horsemanship. He also hunted gazelles, wild boar, partridges and more.

Land And Peoples Of The Kasai

Land And Peoples Of The Kasai: Being A Narrative Of A Two Years' Journey Among The Cannibals Of The Equatorial Forest And Other Savage Tribes Of The South-Western Congo by M W Hilton-Simpson (1911). The party journeyed up the Kasai & Sankuru rivers in late 1907 - 1909 taking a vast amount of trade goods with them to barter. Hilton Simpson kept a diary during the duration of the trip & wrote this book at the behest of the expedition leader Emil Torday who was busy writing up the scientific aspects of the trip. Free eBook

Among The Hill-Folk Of Algeria: Journeys Amomng The Shawia Of The Aures Mountains

Among The Hill-Folk Of Algeria: Journeys Amomng The Shawia Of The Aures Mountains by M W Hilton-Simpson (1921) is an account of three winters the author and his wife spent in the remote hill country of Algeria collecting specimens of Berber handicraft for the Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford. Free eBook

Arab Medicine And Surgery: A Study Of The Healing Art In Algeria

Arab Medicine And Surgery: A Study Of The Healing Art In Algeria by M W Hilton-Simpson (1922). "A layman - totally untrained in medical science - I suddenly found myself in 1913 admitted to some of the secrets of the reticent Berber and Arab doctors of the Aures Massif, Algeria. It is my misfortune that I lacked the knowledge necessary to enable me to do justice to the opportunities of studying their art which I have enjoyed." Free eBook

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