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Reginald George Burton Books

Brigadier-General Reginald George Burton (1864 - 1951) was a distinguished British military officer, author and highly respected authority on the Indian tiger.

Brigadier-General Reginald George Burton
Brigadier-General Reginald George Burton

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The Tiger Hunters

The Tiger Hunters by Brigadier-General R G Burton (1936) are the hair-raising accounts of the writer's adventures in the wild in Indian jungles. The author was a hunter of tigers and often risked his life. Besides hunting episodes, the book contains events of the author's life in India. Free eBook

A Book Of Man-Eaters

A Book Of Man-Eaters by Brigadier-General R G Burton (1931). "Scattered in numerous volumes, as well as in the pages of memory from an old hunter's experience, many man-eaters are to be met with. But it is not possible for one man to come into contact with more than a few man-killing carnivorous monsters, for such are rare and abnormal. In this volume, therefore, I not only sink the string of thought into the well of memory, but lay under contribution the tales and records of sportsmen and others for stories that are here related."

Sport And Wild Life In The Deccan

Sport And Wild Life In The Deccan: An Account Of Big-Game Hunting During Nearly Forty Years Of Service In India, With Much Interesting Information On The Habits Of The Wild Animals In That Country by Brigadier-General R G Burton (1928). Big game hunting - especially tigers- in India with chapters on man-eating tigers and panthers. Burton neglects to mention Jim Corbett - that great sportsman who had hunted several notorious man eating tigers and leopards in India before this book was written.

The Book Of The Tiger

The Book Of The Tiger by Brigadier-General R G Burton (1933). With a chapter on the lion of India. "This volume is concerned more with natural history than with sport; the few chapters devoted to the chase are intended to describe and illustrate various methods of hunting rather than to give lengthy descriptions of bags and blood."

Tropics And Snows: A Record Of Travel And Adventure by Capt Reginald G Burton (1898) is an account of the author's travels, first to the West Indies then to India where he hunted tigers and bears. He then travelled to Russia returned to India and took a month in Norway before returning to Britain. Free eBook

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