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Mervyn Cowie Books

Mervyn Hugh Cowie (1909 - 1996) was a conservationist who pioneered wildlife protection and the development of tourism throughout East Africa. Cowie became chairman of the national parks board and Nairobi National Park, Kenya's first national park, was opened in 1946. Cowie went on to open a series of parks throughout East Africa including the Serengeti National Park in Tanganyika (1951) and the Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda (1952).

Mervyn Cowie
Mervyn Cowie

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Fly, Vulture

Fly, Vulture by Mervyn Cowie (1961) is the story of the author's 'change of heart' over big game hunting and his struggle to establish game reserves in Kenya.

The African Lion

The African Lion by Mervyn Cowie (1966) is an introducton to the life history and behavior of lions in Africa, with many photographs.

I Walk With Lions: The Story Of Africa's Great Animal Preserves

I Walk With Lions: The Story Of Africa's Great Animal Preserves by Mervyn Cowie (1961). The author was born and raised in Africa, attended an English public school and at his father's urging became an accountant. Eventually he rebelled against office routine and devoted all his time to the national parks movement, becoming the director in 1946.

Where No Vultures Fly is a 1951 DVD movie loosely based on Mervyn Cowie's life.

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