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Frank Hulme Melland Books

Frank Hulme Melland (1879 - 1939) was the Assistant Commissioner in North Eastern Rhodesia and shot one of the largest tuskers ever found there in 1904. The pair of tusks weighed 229lbs - the largest tusk was 119lbs and measured 7' 9" with a circumference of 22".

Frank Hulme Melland
Frank Hulme Melland "wearing his travelling clothes"

Through The Heart Of Africa

Through The Heart Of Africa: Being An Account Of A Journey On Bicycles And On Foot From Northern Rhodesia, Past The Great Lakes, To Egypt, Undertaken When Proceeding Home On Leave In 1910 by Frank Hulme Melland & Edward Chomeley (1912) Free eBook

In Witch-Bound Africa

In Witch-Bound Africa: An Account Of The Primitive Kaonde Tribe And Their Beliefs by Frank Hulme Melland (1923) is now a classic ethnographical study of the Bakaonde and their neighbours inhabiting the Kasempa District of North Rhodesia. Free eBook

Lord Hailey's African Survey

Lord Hailey's African Survey edited by Frank Hulme Melland (1938)

Elephants In Africa

Elephants In Africa by Frank Hulme Melland (1938) combines sporting elements and natural history. The author recounts elephant hunting by a number of sportsmen such as James Sutherland, David Blunt, Mickey Norton and others, including his own travels through Africa more than three decades earlier while armed only with a .303 which he had just bought for £1. "It was very old and the barrel was badly worn: it was not gas-tight and burned my cheek each time I fired it".

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