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David Livingstone Books

David Livingstone (1813 - 1873) was a Scottish Congregationalist pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in Africa. Although Livingstone was wrong about the source of the Nile, he discovered numerous geographical features such as Lake Ngami, Lake Malawi and Lake Bangweulu as well as the Victoria Falls. He filled in details of Lake Tanganyika, Lake Mweru and the course of many rivers, especially the upper Zambezi. His observations enabled large previously 'blank' regions of Africa to be mapped. The furthest north he reached was the north end of Lake Tanganyika and he did not penetrate the rainforest of the River Congo any further downstream than Ntangwe.

David Livingstone
David Livingstone

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Missionary Travels And Researches In South Africa

Missionary Travels And Researches In South Africa by David Livingstone (1857). Including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. Livingstone's services to African geography are almost unequalled - he explored vast regions of central Africa, many of which had never been seen by white men before. Free eBook

Narrative Of An Expedition To The Zambesi And Its Tributaries

Narrative Of An Expedition To The Zambesi And Its Tributaries And Of The Discovery Of The Lakes Shirwa And Nyassa 1858-1864 by David Livingstone (1865). "The Zambezi expedition had cost much more, and achieved much less, than expected. At least £30,000 had been spent on it (as much as on the Niger expedition of 1857-60). It had involved the deaths of Thornton and Mary Livingstone, and also missionaries of the LMS and UMCA, as well as several sailors. It had lasted six and a half years, though scarcely eighteen months were spent on travel above the Shire and Zambezi cataracts and on the Rovuma, due to sickness and logistical problems. The geographical and scientific results seemed hardly commensurate with the effort expended, and plans to check the slave trade had come to nothing." Free eBook

A Narrative Of Dr. Livingston's Discoveries In South-Central Africa

A Narrative Of Dr. Livingston's (sic) Discoveries In South-Central Africa, From 1849 To 1856 by David Livingstone (1857) is the earliest appearance of Livingstone's first major expedition in book form, preceeding the more expansive 'Missionary Travels and Researches'. "Reprinted By Arrangement From The "British Banner" Newspaper. With An Accurate Map."

The Last Journals Of David Livingstone In Central Africa, From 1865 To His Death

The Last Journals Of David Livingstone In Central Africa, From 1865 To His Death by David Livingstone (1874). From the time of Livingstone's departure from Zanzibar in the beginning of 1866 to the day of his death in Illala in April 1873, he drew the world's attention to the African slave trade. The objects of the expeditions were the suppression of slavery and the exploration of the south central lake system of Africa. Free eBook

Perilous Adventures And Extensive Discoveries In The Interior Of Africa

Livingstone's Africa: Perilous Adventures And Extensive Discoveries In The Interior Of Africa, From The Personal Narrative Of David Livingstone, LL.D., D.C.L., Together With The Remarkable Success And Important Results Of The Herald-Stanley Expedition, As Furnished by H.M. Stanley, Esq., To Which Is Added A Sketch Of Other Important Discoveries In Africa, Including The Celebrated Diamond Diggings At Colesberg Kopje by David Livingstone (1872) contains the history of all of Doctor Livingstone's voyages of discovery. The accounts, from Livingstone himself, of his successive explorations, the origin of the reports of his death, the result of the search expedition sent out by the New York Herald, under Henry M Stanley, the letters in which Dr. Livingstone narrates his doings while the world supposed him dead and the results of his discoveries. Stanley's own adventures in the pursuit of Livingstone are included and certain elaborations as well on the discovery and development of the diamond fields in Colesburg Kopje. Free eBook

Dr Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures

Dr Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures by David Livingstone (1858) Free eBook

Books About David Livingstone:

Josiah Tyler

Reverend Josiah Tyler (1823 - 1895) and his wife Susan W Tyler served as American missionaries in South Africa.

Livingstone's Life Work: Or Africa and Its Explorers: A Narrative Of The Life, Travels, Adventures And Achievements Of Dr. David Livingstone, Including His Discovery By Henry M. Stanley And The Subsequent Wanderings And Death Of The Renowned Traveler by Josiah Tyler (1874) is a comprehensive history of African explorations, the Livingstone relief expeditions, and recent events. Picturesque descriptions of the country and people, their traits customs and superstitions by Josiah Tyler, a missionary in Africa for twenty-two years.

Livingstone Lost And Found

Livingstone Lost And Found: Or Africa And Its Explorers by Josiah Tyler (1873) is a comprehensive biographical sketch of Dr. David Livingstone, his travels, adventures, experiences and disappearance and a most interesting account of his discovery by the American Expedition, in command of Henry M Stanley. Free eBook

Livingstone Lost And Found

Forty Years Among The Zulus by Josiah Tyler (1891) is an account of 40 years as an American missionary working in Zululand & Natal with descriptions of Zulu social life & religious beliefs. Free eBook

William Garden Blaikie

William Garden Blaikie (1820 - 1899) was a Scottish writer and temperance reformer.

Livingstone Lost And Found

The Personal Life Of David Livingstone by William Garden Blaikie (1880). Chiefly from his unpublished journals and correspondence in the possession of his family. Free eBook

Tim Jeal


Livingstone by Tim Jeal (1973) is a well-written biography of the great explorer. The author tries to separate the real man from the mythical hero.

Dr John Kirk & Reginald Foskett (ed)

Sir John Kirk (1832 – 1922) was a Scottish physician, naturalist and British administrator in Zanzibar, where he was instrumental in ending the slave trade in that country.

From 1858 to 1864 Kirk accompanied the explorer David Livingstone on the Second Zambezi Expedition as a botanist in what is Malawi today. He found Livingstone an inept leader and in 1862 wrote "I can come to no other conclusion than that Dr Livingstone is out of his mind and a most unsafe leader".

Dr John Kirk
Dr John Kirk

The Zambesi Journal And Letters Of Dr John Kirk, 1858-63

The Zambesi Journal And Letters Of Dr John Kirk, 1858-63 by Dr John Kirk & Reginald Foskett (editor) (1965). 2 Volumes. This is the day to day account of Livingstone's government expedition to the Zambesi by the chief medical officer and botanist, Dr John Kirk.

George Martelli

Livingstone's River: A History Of The Zambezi Expedition 1858-1864

Livingstone's River: A History Of The Zambezi Expedition 1858-1864 by George Martelli (1969) is the story of the Livingstone expedition and a compelling biography of the explorer who captivated Victorian England.

B W Lloyd

Livingstone 1873 - 1973

Livingstone 1873 - 1973 by B W Lloyd (1973). The ten contributions to this book are almost all the work of writers who have each devoted many years to the study of Livingstone's life. Each article deals with a different facet of Livingstone's life, including his roles as doctor, missionary, geographer and explorer and covering his influence on education, the slave trade and the Malawi of today.

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