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Keith Meadows Books

Keith Meadows (d.2006) was an author of fiction and non-fiction books set in Zimbabwe. He wrote one novel about a game warden and a non-fiction book about Rupert Fothergill, the game ranger involved in Operation Noah.

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Between The Sunlight And The Thunder

Between The Sunlight And The Thunder by Keith Meadows (2007). From a volunteer in the government security forces responding to the brutality of the Mau Mau offensive, to professional hunter, to game warden, Gil Freeman remained in Kenya for the next decade before moving on to the Congo and then Rhodesia. This is a novel.

Sometimes When It Rains: White Africans In Black Africa

Sometimes When It Rains: White Africans In Black Africa by Keith Meadows (2000) is a look at the evolution of Zimbabwe, from the days of colonial Rhodesia to modern Zimbabwe.

Rupert Fothergill: Bridging A Conservation Era

Rupert Fothergill: Bridging A Conservation Era by Keith Meadows (1996) is the story of Rupert Fothergill, a Southern Rhodesian game ranger and leader of Operation Noah, a project to rescue thousands of wild animals (one of which almost claimed his life) from the rising waters of the man-made lake behind the Kariba Dam, on the Zambezi River.

Sand In The Wind

Sand In The Wind by Keith Meadows (1997) is another novel set in Zimbabwe.

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