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Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore Books

Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1870-1955) was born in Ireland and moved to New York to become an artist. He became a pioneering wildlife photographer and painter who turned from hunting to capturing his subjects on paper and canvas. Dugmore travelled to Kenya on a photographic safari in 1908 and twice to Newfoundland in 1907 and 1913.

Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore
Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore

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Camera Adventures In The African Wilds

Camera Adventures In The African Wilds: Being An Account Of A Four Months' Expedition In British East Africa by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1910) is about his 4 month safari to photograph African animals in the wild. He was accompanied by PH James L Clark.Free eBook

The Vast Sudan

The Vast Sudan by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1924) is the author's personal account of his 1924 trip and covers Egypt, the Nile, the Sudan, Khartoum and the camel corps.

African Jungle Life

African Jungle Life by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1928) is one of author's scarcer titles. Written in narrative style based on personal field observations and describes lions, elephants, cape buffalo, rhinoceros and giraffes.

Wild Life And The Camera

Wild Life And The Camera by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1912). The author travelled extensively through Kenya and provides interesting insights on animal behavior, on his photographic approach and on the native peoples. He also describes his equipment and provisions in some detail. Free eBook

The Wonderland Of Big Game

The Wonderland Of Big Game: Being An Account Of Two Trips Through Tanganyika And Kenya by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1925) is an account of his two trips through Tanganyika and Kenya photographing the country and wildlife.

Through The Sudan

Through The Sudan by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1938)

The Autobiography Of A Wanderer by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1930)

Bird Homes by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1900). 'The Nests Eggs and Breeding Habits of the Land Birds Breeding in the Eastern United States With Hints on the Rearing and Photographing of Young Birds'. Free eBook

When The Somme Ran Red

When The Somme Ran Red by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1918) was written during wartime by Dugmore when he was an incapacitated infantry officer and no longer fit for service in the trenches. Dugmore was already well into middle age at the outbreak of hostilities having spent a career as a naturalist and sportsman but he managed to obtain a commission in the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. The author served in the trenches during the period leading towards the First Battle of the Somme in 1916 and it is this and his time during the battle itself that are the principal subjects in this account. Dugmore's book is full of admiration for the Yorkshiremen with whom he served and he gives much detail about trench warfare as well as valuable insights into the Somme attack, the consequences and dreadful aftermath. Free eBook

The Romance Of The Newfoundland Caribou

The Romance Of The Newfoundland Caribou: An Intimate Account Of The Life Of The Reindeer Of North America by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1913) is a thorough study of the species for both the naturalist and the hunter. Probably the basic book on the caribou including information on habit, habitat, mating, migration and more. Free eBook

The Romance Of The Beaver

The Romance Of The Beaver: Being The History Of The Beaver In The Western Hemisphere by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1914) Free eBook

In the Heart of the Northern Forests

In the Heart of the Northern Forests by Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore (1930) is his personal observations of North American wildlife including beavers, moose, caribou and porcupine, with photographs.

Book About Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore:

Lowell Thomas

Lowell Jackson Thomas (1892 - 1981) was an American writer, broadcaster and traveller, best known as the man who made Lawrence of Arabia famous.

Rolling Stone: The Life And Adventures Of Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore

Rolling Stone: The Life And Adventures Of Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore by Lowell Thomas (1931). Although Lowell Thomas was the designated author and wrote the introduction, nearly the entire book is autobiographical by Dugmore himself and edited by Thomas.

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