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Jack Couffer Books

Jack Couffer (b.1924) is an American author of many fiction and non-fiction books, film cinematographer and director. Among much other film work, including on 'Ring of Bright Water', 'Never Cry Wolf', 'Out of Africa' and 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull', he directed 'Living Free' which was based on a book by Joy Adamson. However, the film was not based on the book of the same name but the third book in the series 'Forever Free'. He lived in Kenya for 32 years before returning to California.

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The Lions Of Living Free

The Lions Of Living Free by Jack Couffer (1972) is full of anecdotes during the filming of 'Living Free', descriptions of the different characters of the five lions they worked with on the set. The book also overlaps into an account of his personal change, as he becomes entrenched in the wildlife, culture and political upheaval of East Africa.

The Lion And The Giraffe

The Lion And The Giraffe: A Naturalist's Life In The Movie Business by Jack Couffer (2010) is the author's autobiography including his war years, work as a commercial fisherman before his Hollywood career. He worked on TV and feature films for many of Hollywood's production companies, such as Disney. His filming travels took him to Africa where he fell in love with the country and a lady at the same time. He lived in Kenya for 32 years.

African Summer

African Summer by Jack & Mike Couffer (1976) is an account of a summer spent on an island in an East African lake while filming a TV show. The author took along his young son, Mike and his friend Charles. It includes anecdotes about filming episodes with African animals, such as lions.

The Cats Of Lamu

The Cats Of Lamu: The Feral Cats Of An Exotic African Island by Jack Couffer (1998) is a study of the lives and relationships of the feral cats on the Lamu Archipelago, off the coast of Kenya.

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