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Books About Early African Hunters

These books about early African hunters include collections of stories, anecdotes, tales of African expeditions, anthologies and biographies.

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Doug Allan

Facing Danger In The Last Wilderness

Facing Danger In The Last Wilderness by Doug Allan (1962) is a collection of stories from previously published sources on hunting and exploration in Africa. The introduction is by Lowell Thomas.

E H Baxter

From Shikar And Safari: A Big Game Anthology

From Shikar And Safari: A Big Game Anthology by E H Baxter (1931) is a collection of the best writings by the best hunters including Selous, Neumann, Percival, Baillie-Grohman, Sutherland, Patterson and many others. Contents include hunting the Big Three and many other species in Africa, Asia, Europe, Arctic, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.

Michael Brander

The Big Game Hunters by Michael Brander (1988). Portrays the lives and expeditions of the principal big game hunters, from the days of the muzzle loading flintlock to the modern breech-loading express rifle. It contains short biographies of many of the early African and Indian big-game hunters including Walter Campbell, William Cornwallis Harris, Roualeyn Gordon Cumming, William Cotton Oswell, Sir Samuel White Baker, Henry Astbury Leveson, James Forsyth, William Rice, Alexander Kinloch, Arthur Neumann, Frederick Selous, John Guille Millais, Theodore Roosevelt, C H Stigand, James Sutherland, James Dunbar, Archibald Brander and W D M Bell.
More Michael Brander books on the history of safari

George E Bulger

George Ernest Bulger (1830 - 1881) was a British officer with the 10th North Lincoln Regiment who was stationed at various times in Upper Canada, India and South Africa. He was also an author of many articles on ornithology, hunting and plant collecting.

Leaves From The Records Of The St Hubert's Club

Leaves From The Records Of The St Hubert's Club: Or Reminiscences Of Sporting Expeditions In Many Lands by George E Bulger (1864) is a collection of hunting stories by a variety of individuals in a fictionalised format. The author supplies copious footnotes about the factual stories which were published in a periodical printed for private circulation among regiment members. It includes tiger and boar hunting with some fishing, a day on the bontebok flats in South Africa and hunting in the Anatolia mountains in Turkey. St Hubert is the patron saint of hunting, woodsmen and metallurgy and there are several St Hubert's Clubs across the world, primarily concerned with the training the members in the art of stalking. Free eBook

John Frost

Wild Scenes Of The Hunter's Life: Or The Hunting & Hunters Of All Nations by John Frost (1851). African and North American big game hunting, based in part on the works of R Gordon Cumming and Gerard. A collection of numerous accounts of hunting ranging from badger and hare, to elephant and lion. Free eBook

Geoffrey Haresnape

The Great Hunters

The Great Hunters by Geoffrey Haresnape (1974) is made up of passages chosen from some of the leading sportsmen pioneers in southern and central Africa who had the literary skill to make a permanent record of their experiences. Includes Selous, Chapman, Oswell, Wolhunter and more.

Ascott R Hope

Ascott Robert Hope (1846 - 1927) is the pseudonym of Ascott Robert Hope Moncrieff who was a prolific Scottish author of children's fiction.

Wild Beasts And Their Hunting: Sport With Big Game by Ascott R Hope (c.late 1800s) is a collection of information, history and anecdote concerning the haunts, habits and hunting of big game and other wild animals worldwide. Much of the content is supplied by famous hunters such as Selous, Cummings, Baker, Sanderson and Gerard. Contents include lion hunting, grizzly and polar bear hunting, elephant, tiger and rhino hunting, buffalo, bison, gorillas, wolves, boar and kangaroos.

In Forest And Jungle: Or Adventures With Wild Beasts

In Forest And Jungle: Or Adventures With Wild Beasts by Ascott R Hope (1891) includes tales about wild animals such as lions, bears, elephants, tigers, hippos, rhinos, buffalo, wolves, hyenas, jackals, foxes, boars, giraffes, kangaroos, ostriches, monkeys and gorillas.

Stories Of Wild Beasts

Stories Of Wild Beasts by Ascott R Hope (1885) is yet more wild animal stories.

H W G Hyrst

H W G Hyrst was the pseudonym of Sidney Harry Wright who wrote numerous books about the daring deeds of adventurers and explorers in various regions of the world.

Adventures Among Wild Beasts

Adventures Among Wild Beasts: Romantic Incidents And Perils Of Travel, Sport, And Exploration Throughout The World by H W G Hyrst (1909) is a collection of tales about hunting bears, reindeer, wolves, walrus, lions, tigers, rhinoceros, elephants, leopards, monkeys and more.

Other books by H W G Hyrst include:

Kenneth Kemp

Tales Of The Big Game Hunters

Tales Of The Big Game Hunters by Kenneth Kemp (1986) includes tales from Baldwin, Chapman, Gordon-Cumming, Harris, Kirby, Neumann, Selous, Sutherland, Baker, Burton, Demidoff, Radclyffe and more. One of the few books of this type with information on the rifles and projectiles used and preferred by these hunters.

Axel Lundeberg & Frederick Seamour

Big Game Hunting In Africa And Other Lands

Big Game Hunting In Africa And Other Lands by Axel Lundeberg & Frederick Seamour (1910) based on Roosevelt's African hunt, this book combines ... the most exciting experiences, thrilling adventures, daring deeds and dangerous exploits in the life of great hunters, explorers and naturalists, with the interesting and valuable facts of Natural History. A combination in which the reader may learn all he wishes to known about wild animals — their appearance, habits, traits of character, and every detail of their wild life, and at the same time be highly entertained by stories of adventure, travel and big game hunting. The co-author, is Frederick Seamour, as taken from the original 1910 book, not Frederick Seymour as listed on book sales sites. Free eBook

Rawdon Malet

Unforgiving Minutes: A Book Of Dangerous Game

Unforgiving Minutes: A Book Of Dangerous Game by Rawdon Malet (1934) relates hunting elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, rhino and plains game based both on the author's own experiences and on those of such noted hunters as Denis Lyell, Arthur Neumann, Frederick Selous and others

When The Red Gods Call

When The Red Gods Call: Being The Biography Of A Shikari In The Making by Rawdon Malet (1934) is an account of the hunting career of James Carmody Collinson. The son of a bank manager from Southampton, Collinson joined up in 1917 and was posted to Palestine. Following demobilisation, he sailed to India on the payroll of an Indian wine merchant. His travels took him to Baltistan, Tibet and Ladakh, where he hunted ibex and other game; journeying to India's Central Provinces, he successfully pursued tiger, sambur and bear.

Victor Meunier

Adventures On The Great Hunting Grounds Of The World

Adventures On The Great Hunting Grounds Of The World by Victor Meunier (1868) is a collection of well-authenticated facts, illustrative of the nature, habits and various modes of capturing some of the largest and fiercest of the animal world, and to describe some of the numerous adventures, terrible fights and hairbreadth escapes which the hunting of these animals has give rise to. Victor Meunier availed himself of the writings of a great variety of travellers of different countries, ancient as well as modern. Contents include: The Gorilla, Bears, The Tiger, The Lion, The Musk Ox, Tapirs, The Hippopotamus, The Rhinoceros, The Elephants, The Ostrich, Crocodiles and more. Free eBook

Henry Newbolt

Sir Henry John Newbolt (1862 – 1938) was a British poet, author and historian.

The Book Of Good Hunting

The Book Of Good Hunting by Henry Newbolt (1920) describes in detail numerous adventures with the big game of Africa and India. Many of these true stories are of famous hunters of the time including Gordon Cumming, Sanderson and Baldwin. Also included are anecdotes on sport with deer, foxhunting, and fishing for salmon and trout. Free eBook

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