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Clive Walker Books

Clive Walker

Clive Walker (b.1936) is a South African conservationist, educator, game ranger and watercolour artist and an author of many books. He founded the Endangered Wildlife Trust in 1973 and was founder and director of Educational Wildlife Expeditions, an adult game trails organization from 1975 to 1994. In 1981 he co-founded Lapalala Wilderness together with Dale Parker, and became the first Chairman of the Lapalala Wilderness School in 1985. He is also a former member of the IUCN Rhino and Elephant Specialist Groups. Many of Clive Walker's books were written in collaboration with other wildlife experts and photographers.

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Larger Carnivores Of The African Savannas

Larger Carnivores Of The African Savannas by Clive Walker & J du P Bothma (1998) looks at how the African savannas are also increasingly threatened by expanding human populations. The authors examine the inter-relationship between the prey herds and their predators and how the larger carnivores are sensitive measures of environmental quality and serve as early warning systems to environmental degradation.
'Game Ranch Management' book by J du P Bothma

Rhino Revolution: Searching For New Solutions

Rhino Revolution: Searching For New Solutions by Clive & Anton Walker (2019) looks at the 'rhino war' in South Africa which entered its 10th year (at the time this book was published in 2019) and in 1918 saw 662 rhino killed in Kruger Park alone and over 1000 in total in South Africa. This book discusses corruption and the criminal justice system, the need for more community engagement, the rhino horn trade and the costs of protection. It also testifies to the excellent rhino conservation work that is being undertaken by the state and the private sector. Anton Walker is Clive Walker's son who grew up at the 45000 hectare Lapalala Wilderness reserve and is now the general manager.

The Soul Of The Waterberg

The Soul Of The Waterberg by Clive Walker & J du P Bothma (2005) is a lavishly illustrated account of the geology, geomorphology, archaeology, cultural heritage and fauna & flora of the Waterberg. The Waterberg is a mountainous massif of approximately 654033 hectares in north Limpopo Province, South Africa.

Walk Through The Wilderness

Walk Through The Wilderness by Clive Walker & Don Richards (1974) is a practical and basic guide to the environment, plants and animals of southern Africa that covers geology, natural cycles, animal behavior and classification and conservation.

Signs Of The Wild

Signs Of The Wild by Clive Walker (1981) is a field guide with information on African wildlife identification through signs and features illustrations of skulls of the carnivores. It also offers information on comparative spoor, distribution maps and full-colour photographs of each species.

Predators Of Southern Africa

Predators Of Southern Africa: A Field Guide by Clive Walker, Hans Grobler & Anthony Hall-Martin (1984) is a field guige to the 36 predator species of southern Africa. It contains the accumulated results of the three authors' personal experiences and research in a field which encompasses predators ranging from the lion and the leopard to the dwarf mongoose.
'Elephants Of Africa' book by Anthony Hall-Martin & Paul Bosman

Twilight Of The Giants

Twilight Of The Giants by Clive Walker (1982). The author... "Most recent extinctions can be attributed, either directly or indirectly, to man; more specifically to man's demographic and technological expansion. If mankind continues to allow whole species to perish, when does their peril also become ours? In South Africa we have witnessed the extinction of the Quagga, the Bluebuck, the Cape Lion and any number of plant species. Right now there are certain species whose survival is threatened; the Black Rhino, the Cheetah, the elephants of Kaokoveld and Knysna, the Cape Vulture and the floral kingdom of the south western Cape."

Photographic Guide To Tracks And Tracking In Southern Africa

Photographic Guide To Tracks And Tracking In Southern Africa by Louis Liebenberg & Clive Walker (2000) draws on Louis liebenberg's experience in the art of tracking, this photoguide presents 114 southern African animal species, enabling the reader to identify different species. Clive Walker was the photographer.

Kaokoveld: The Last Wilderness

Kaokoveld: The Last Wilderness by Clive Walker, Anthony Hall-Martin & J du P Bothma (1989) explores the land of rugged mountains, deep gorges, vast grasslands and sand-dunes of the Koakoveld. This area stretches from the Skeleton Coast to the interior escarpment and highlands of Namibia and from the Ugab to the Kunene.

Baobab Trails

Baobab Trails: An Artist's Journey Of Wilderness And Wanderings by Clive Walker (2013) is the author's autobiography - the story of a 40 year journey that covered nearly 28000 miles of southern Africa. 40 baobab trees are identified and recorded through photographs and art. The history of the trees is woven into Walker's autobiography, such that as he relates his own personal story, which includes personalities such as Ian Player, David Shepherd, Kuki Gallman, Blythe Loutit and others. He also gives accounts of the history of the region, including that of the 19th century travellers, hunters, traders and explorers who carved their names into the trunks of the massive baobabs.

Savuti: The Vanishing River

Savuti: The Vanishing River by Clive Walker (1991) is a personal account of the unique area in northern Botswana's Chobe National Park. The author looks at theories about the erratic flow of the Savuti, its history and to describe the vivid contrasts during times of abundance and of drought. The Savuti channel links the Savuti Marshes with the Linyanti Marshes via the Okavango Delta. Most strangely the Savuti will stop flowing for many years at a time, for example, from 1888-1957, 1966-1967 and 1982 to 2008. As of 2016 the Savuti channel and the Savuti Marshes were again dry.

The Ring Fence

The Ring Fence: An Anthology Of The Southern Elephant by Clive Walker (1978) is an anthology of writings on elephants of southern Africa, including Gordon-Cumming, Bryden, Selous, Baldwin and others. The author believes, the elephant "represents the pinnacle of the ecosystem; their high social structure, their care of their young, their occasional forays into almost 'human-like' affection, their size and majesty, makes them one of the most evocative symbols in the world."

Above Africa

Above Africa: Aerial Photography From The Okavango Swamplands by Clive Walker & Herman Potgieter (1989) describes the scenery, wildlife and people of the Okavango area of Botswana. Herman Potgieter was the photographer. This book was also published with the title 'Okavango From The Air'.

Rhino Keepers: Struggle For Survival

Rhino Keepers: Struggle For Survival by Clive & Anton Walker (2012) is an account about these animals, the reasons behind the rhino's historical decline, the myths that surround them and the resurrection of the rhinoceros horn trade.

River Of Gold

River Of Gold: Narratives And Exploration Of The Great Limpopo by Clive Walker, Mike Gardner & Peter Norton (2016). The authors explore the Limpopo River's history, wildlife, landscapes, early kingdoms and their people, warfare, trade, slaves, 19th-century hunting, travel and adventures and the conservation efforts of four national parks of which the Kruger National Park is one.

River Of Gold

Dear Elephant, Sir by Clive Walker & Sally Antrobus (1992) is the author's tribute to elephants that have become synonymous with his role in southern African conservation. These essays trace the development of Clive Walker's perception of elephants - from that of the hunter to that of a champion and friend.

African Elephants: A Photographic Celebration

African Elephants: A Photographic Celebration by Clive Walker & Nigel Dennis (2000) is a selection of Nigel Dennis' best photographs taken showing all the facets of the elephant life, from the African bull in musth and the matriarchal family down to the new born elephant. The images cover a wide variety of habitats, from the arid conditions faced by the elephants of the Kalahari desert, through to the savanna and forests. This book is also published as 'African Elephants' in 2005.

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