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Sara Tucker Books

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Our House In Arusha

Our House In Arusha by Sara Tucker (2011) is the tale of how the author, an American travel writer, went on a Serengeti photographic safari in 1996 and ended up becoming the fourth wife of her French safari guide Patrick Texier who had lived in Africa most of his adult life. She gave up her whole life in America to live in Arusha, Tanzania and in Togo, west Africa, with her new husband and step-son. The story is also includes much about her husband's past life including his stints as a crocodile poacher, game warden, hunter and working 'undercover' with the French Secret Service in the USSR and Chile.

An Irruption of Owls

An Irruption of Owls: An Odyssey, A Homecoming, And Six Winters In Vermont by Sara Tucker (2015) is the follow-up book to 'Our House In Arusha' and covers the author's return to the US with her safari guide husband, Patrick Texira and her step-son.

Becoming Madame Texier

Becoming Madame Texier by Sara Tucker (2020) appears to be an amalgamation of the author's previous two books. It includes accounts of Patrick Texier's life...raising and releasing a leopard cub, breaking the nose of a hunting client, being 'adopted' by an elephant herd, crashing a plane in a yam field, escaping from a Zambian jail, charging lions, night flights into war zones, spear hunters and several murders. Also the book covers how the family moved from Africa to America and then to France, where Patrick Texira now writes children's books.

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