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Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm Books

Dr Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm (1874 - 1930) was the German-born big game hunter and founder of the Sudan pioneering mission. He was married to Lucy Guinness, daughter of the British evangelist Grattan Guinness. After taking British citizenship he went into service in Upper Egypt in 1900 where he founded the aformentioned mission. In 1904 he founded the Sudan United Mission. World War I interrupted his missionary work and he eventually moved to New Jersey, USA.

Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm
Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm

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From Hausaland To Egypt

From Hausaland To Egypt, Through The Sudan by Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm (1910) is the story of one of the author's journeys. A hunter of big game, there are accounts of his shooting elephant, buffalo and other large animals on his travels on the Niger and Nile. Free eBook

Khont-Hon-Nofer, The Lands Of Ethiopia

Khont-Hon-Nofer, The Lands Of Ethiopia by Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm (1910) is about the author's missionary travels through Ethiopia. Free eBook

African Missionary Heroes And Heroines

African Missionary Heroes And Heroines by Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm (1917) contains six lectures given before the College of Missions, with chapters on David Livingstone, Robert Moffat, Francois Coillard and others. Free eBook

The Sudan

The Sudan: A Short Compendium Of Facts And Figures About The Land Of Darkness by Hermann Karl Wilhelm Kumm (1907) Free eBook

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