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Dugald Campbell Books

Reverend Dugald Campbell (b. 1871) was a Scottish pastor who travelled widely in Africa operating as a missionary and amateur ethnologist spending time with various native peoples, observing their customs and languages. He also became an ivory hunter who worked in what is now, north west Zambia, and also in the Belgian Congo and French Equatorial Africa.

Dugald Campbell
Dugald Campbell

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In The Heart Of Bantuland

In The Heart Of Bantuland: A Record Of 29 Year's Pioneering In Central Africa Among The Bantu Peoples With A Description Of Their Habits, Customs, Secret Societies And Languages by Dugald Campbell (1922) with 2 chapters on hunting. Free eBook

Wanderings In Central Africa

Wanderings In Central Africa: The Experiences And Adventures Of A Lifetime Of Pioneering And Exploration by Dugald Campbell (1929) is an account of Dugald Campbell's travels through the interior of Africa. He spent time among several tribes who were cannibals and leaves a very detailed account of their beliefs and customs. There is much on his elephant hunting where he took advantage of the more liberal (compared to the British territories) 1920s regulations in the Belgian Congo and French Equatorial Africa.

Wanderings In Central Africa

Wanderings In Wildest Africa by Dugald Campbell (1930) is an account of the author's travels in remote regions of Senegal, Mauretania and northern Nigeria.

Camels Through Libya

Camels Through Libya: A Desert Adventure From The Fringes Of The Sahara To The Oases Of Upper Egypt by Dugald Campbell (1935) tells of his lone journey through the deserts of north Africa to the Oases of Upper Egypt.

On The Trail Of The Veiled Tuareg

On The Trail Of The Veiled Tuareg by Dugald Campbell (1928)...An Account of These Mysterious Nomadic Warriors Whose Home is the Trackless Desert & Whose History Fades Into the Far Past mysterious nomads who travel the desert regions from Morocco to Egypt.

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