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Major E A T Dutton Books

Major Eric Aldhelm Torlough Dutton (1895 - 1973) was a colonial administrator Kenya, Rhodesia and later, Acting Governor of Bermuda. He climbed Mount Kenya in 1926.

Kenya Mountain

Kenya Mountain by E A T Dutton (1929) was the first full account of any expedition to the mountain, despite the fact that its summit had been conquered several years previously. Public interest had already been aroused so much that Dutton foresaw a day when "the mountain will be invaded by tourists. Already an attempt is being made to drive a motor road through the forests". This record serves as an account of the mountain when it was still necessary to go on foot. The work is enhanced considerably by magnificent photographs and by Hillaire Belloc's humorous introduction.

The Basuto Of Basutoland

The Basuto Of Basutoland by E A T Dutton (1923) is based on the author's travels in South Africa. He describes the country, history, the people, their lives, superstition and folk-tales. There are appendices on the battle of Berea, administration and statistics. Free eBook

Lillibullero Or The Golden Road

Lillibullero Or The Golden Road by E A T Dutton (1944) recounts the author's experiences in Kenya, as well as his travels north to Ethiopia. Clearly written from the biased viewpoint of a colonialist, the author describes the nomadic tribes as quarrelsome and odd in their loyalties. Overall a captivating read, which provides great insight into the customs of the local people and their attitudes towards the English colonialists.

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