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William Hornaday Books

William Temple Hornaday (1854 - 1937) was an American hunter, taxidermist, zoo director, author and conservationist. A year after his death, in 1938, at the suggestion of President Roosevelt, a peak in the Absaroka Range in Yellowstone National Park was named Mount Hornaday.

William Temple Hornaday
William Temple Hornaday

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Camp-Fires On Desert And Lava

Camp-Fires On Desert And Lava by William Hornaday (1908) is an account of the author's desert sheep hunting trips into Mexico. A desert sheep classic by any standard. Free eBook

Camp-Fires In The Canadian Rockies

Camp-Fires In The Canadian Rockies by William Hornaday (1906). Hunting for mountain goat, grizzlies, deer and adventure in the Rockies. Free eBook

Two Years In The Jungle

Two Years In The Jungle: The Experiences Of A Hunter And Naturalist In India, Ceylon, The Malay Peninsula And Borneo by William Hornaday (1885). After serving as a taxidermist at Henry Augustus Ward's Natural Science Establishment in Rochester, New York, he spent the years, from 1877 to 1878 in India and Ceylon collecting specimens. In May 1878 he reached southeast Asia and travelled in Malaya and Sarawak in Borneo.Free eBook

Our Vanishing Wild Life

Our Vanishing Wild Life: Its Extermination And Preservation by William Hornaday (1913)includes such subjects as Extermination for Women's Hats, Unfair Firearms and Shooting Ethics, How to Make a New Game Law and more. Free eBook

The Minds And Manners Of Wild Animals

The Minds And Manners Of Wild Animals: A Book Of Personal Observations by William Hornaday (1922) examines the habitat of different species of animals, their mental traits, their survival and fighting patterns. He includes numerous vignettes from various hunters on their experiences with game animals. Among the species he focuses on are elephant, bears, snakes, monkeys, apes, etc. Free eBook

Taxidermy And Zoological Collecting

Taxidermy And Zoological Collecting: A Complete Handbook For The Amateur Taxidermist, Collector, Osteologist, Museum-Builder, Sportsman, and Traveller, With Chapters On Collecting And Preserving Insects by William Hornaday (1894) is the cornerstone work on this subject by Hornaday who was well known and respected in this field.Free eBook

Popular Official Guide To The New York Zoological Park

Popular Official Guide To The New York Zoological Park by William Hornaday (1907) Free eBook

The American Natural History

The American Natural History: A Foundation Of Useful Knowledge Of the Higher Animals of North America by William Hornaday (1904) in 4 Volumes. Volume I contains mammals, Volume 2 concludes mammals and starts birds, Volume 3 concludes birds and Volume 4 contains reptiles, amphibians and fish. Free eBook Vol I Free eBook Vol II Free eBook Vol III Free eBook Vol VI

Free Rum On The Congo

Free Rum On The Congo: What It Is Doing There by William Hornaday (1887). Hornaday was abstemious in behavior and wrote this book against the sale of rum to African natives on behalf of the temperance cause. Free eBook

The National Collection Of Heads And Horns

The National Collection Of Heads And Horns by William Hornaday (1887) on behalf of the New York Zoological Park, in 2 parts. The first is an open letter "to the Sportsmen of America", explaining the purpose and function of the National Collection of Heads & Horns. The second part is a letter to sportsmen appealing for contributions. Free eBook

Elephant Tusks from The New York Zoological Park
Elephant Tusks from The New York Zoological Park. Left Tusk: 11ft 5 1/2inches | Circumference 18 1/2 inches. Right Tusk: 11ft. Total Weight: 293lbs. The tusks were said to have been originally owned by King Menelek of Abyssinia. They found their way to the London ivory market and bought by Rowland Ward. They were then sold to Charles T Barney who gifted them to NY Zoological Park in 1907

The Extermination Of The American Bison by William Hornaday (1889) is Hornaday's classic study of the American bison, its ultimate extermination, and its profound impact on the history of the American West. Free eBook

Man Who Became A Savage: A Story Of Our Own Times

The Man Who Became A Savage: A Story Of Our Own Times by William Hornaday (1896)

Wild Life Conservation In Theory And Practice by William Hornaday (1914) Free eBook

Old Fashioned Verses

Old Fashioned Verses by William Hornaday (1919) Free eBook is a collection of verse on war, wildlife, the wild west and more.

Awake! America: Object Lessons And Warnings by William Hornaday (1918) was published under the auspices of the American Defense Society on the preparation of the USA to preserve democracy around the world. Free eBook

Book About William Hornaday:

Stefan Bechtel

Mr Hornaday's War

Mr Hornaday's War: How A Peculiar Victorian Zookeeper Waged A Lonely Crusade For Wildlife That Changed The World by Stefan Bechtel (2013) takes a look at a fascinating, enigmatic man who both represented and transcended the Victorian paradoxical approach to wildlife. Hornaday began as a taxidermist and an adventurer who tracked tigers in Borneo, lead crocodile-hunting expeditions in the Orinoco and scouted the last remaining bison in the Montana territories. Like his friend, Theodore Roosevelt, he changed course and devoted the rest of his life to protecting wildlife. Hornaday founded the National Zoo in Washington DC, served for thirty years as director of the Bronx Zoo and became a fierce defender of wild animals and wild places.

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