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Mary Hastings Bradley Books

Mary Wilhelmina Hastings Bradley (1882 - 1976) was a Chicago-born traveller and author. She was the mother of author Alice Sheldon (James Tiptree Jr). She was a prolific author of mysteries, travel books, short fiction and novels. She married Herbert Bradley in 1910 who was a lawyer, big game hunter and explorer who later helped found the Brookfield Zoo.

Mary Hastings Bradley
Mary Hastings Bradley with husband, Herbert and daughter, Alice

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Alice In Jungleland

Alice In Jungleland by Mary Hastings Bradley (1930) is a classic biographical children's book about (and illustrated by) Alice Sheldon who would later write as the groundbreaking science fiction writer James Tiptree Jr. Much of her childhood was spent in Africa on safari with the famed naturalist Carl Akeley.

Alice In Elephantland

Alice In Elephantland by Mary Hastings Bradley (1929) is a rare early Alice B Sheldon (aka James Tiptree Jr.) book, as the lead character in a book written by the famous Science Fiction author's mother and inspired by the family's long visits to Africa and Asia. The illustrations are by Alice.

On The Gorilla Trail

On The Gorilla Trail by Mary Hastings Bradley (1922) records the events of a 1921 safari with her husband, Herbert Bradley, five-year-old daughter and her friend, the renowned sculptor and taxidermist Carl Akeley. Akeley was searching for gorilla specimens for the African Hall he was in the process of redesigning for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Well into the twentieth century, this largest of primates was more a figure of myth than of natural history. Free eBook

Caravans And Cannibals

Caravans And Cannibals by Mary Hastings Bradley (1926) is about the safaris to Africa the author took with her husband.

Trailing The Tiger

Trailing The Tiger by Mary Hastings Bradley (1929). Here the author is after a tiger and gets one in Sumatra.

Books About Alice B Sheldon

Julie Phillips

James Tiptree Jr: The Double Life Of Alice B Sheldon

James Tiptree Jr: The Double Life Of Alice B Sheldon by Julie Phillips (2006) is an in-depth biography of Alice B Sheldon (1915 - 1987), daughter of Mary Hastings Bradley, who wrote science fiction under the name James Tiptree Jr. for more than a decade before her true identity was revealed.

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