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African Hunting Books by Author


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John Lachuk George Lacy Louis La Garde Charles Lagas Mike LaGrange Alexander Lake Mike Lamade Christina Lamb Jerry Lambert Cherry Lander Richard & John Lander Charles Singer Landis A Henry Savage Landor Margaret Lane Captain Conyers Lang 'Langa Langa' Emily Booth Langworthy Franz Lanting Tobias J Lanz Françoise Lapeyre Alexandra Lapierre Captain Edgar George Dion Lardner Lucinda De Laroque Andreas E Laszlo Aaron Latham Gwynneth & Michael Latham Dick Lattimer Frank Lau Lon E Lauber Dave Lauzen Jonathan Laverick James D Lavin Joseph C Lawler & Oscar S Bray T W Lawman Michael Lawrence-Brown J A Lawson George Laycock & Erwin Bauer George J Leahy L S B Leakey Richard Leakey P M Leary A E Leatham Robert Lee Robert M Lee Sidney J Legendre Daniel Leibowitz & Charles Pearson William Robinson Leigh William E Lemanski David Lemon Christian Le Noel Ellis Christian Lenz Servaas D Le Roux Marcel Le Roy David Leslie Lionel A D Leslie Owen Letcher Henry Astbury Leveson A G Lewis Frederick Lewis Lawrence Lewis Oswald Lewis J Leyland Dr Henry Lichtenstein R W Lightner Captain Augustus Lindley Sir Francis Lindley Graham Linscott Leon Lippens Jack F Lipscomb Blaine Littell Edward Liveing David Livingstone Albert B Lloyd B W Lloyd Christopher Lloyd Clare Lloyd William Lloyd-Jones M William & Suzanne Lockard Lt Col Arthur Locke Edward Lockwood E A Loftus Norma Lorimer J Alden Loring Frederick Lort-Phillips Jack Lott Mary S Lovell Arthur Loveridge Willoughby P Lowe Lt Col Henry Cecil Lowther Nicolas Luard Thomas J Lucas Emil Ludwig Frederick D Lugard Jaroslav Lugs E K Lumley Darrin Lunde Axel Lundeberg & Frederick Seamour Kenneth Lupton Richard Lydekker Denis D Lyell Lyman Lieutenant Colonel B G Lynn-Allen J B Lyons Bruce Lytle & Lars G Svensson The Earl Of Lytton

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