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C R S Pitman Books

Lt Colonel Charles Robert Senhouse Pitman DSO, MC (1890 - 1975) was a noted herpetologist, conservationist and Game Warden. In 1924 Pitman was offered the position of Game Warden of the Uganda Protectorate. He retained this post from 1925 to 1951, interrupted only by three years (1931–1933) spent in Northern Rhodesia as Acting Game Warden and by five years (1941–1946) during which he was Director, Security Intelligence in Uganda.

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A Game Warden Takes Stock

A Game Warden Takes Stock by C R S Pitman (1942) is a book about the status of game in East Africa - from the largest to the least spectacular. Full of personal observations, an absolutely outstanding book by a sportsman-naturalist with a thorough knowledge of the wild animals of Uganda.

Common Antelopes

Common Antelopes by C R S Pitman (1956) contains descriptions and illustrations of twenty common southern African antelope.

The Gorillas Of The Kayonsa Region, Western Kigezi, S. W. Uganda by C R S Pitman (1936) are the proceedings of the general meetings for scientific business of the Zoological Society of London.

A Game Warden Among His Charges

A Game Warden Among His Charges by C R S Pitman (1943). Pitman was Game Warden in the Uganda Protectorate in the late 1920s and collector of specimens for the British Museum of Natural History. Parts of his book deals with Western Kenya.

A Guide To The Snakes Of Uganda

A Guide To The Snakes Of Uganda by C R S Pitman (1938) is hailed as the best book about African snakes ever produced after a lifetime observation of these reptiles in East Africa.

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